Random Thoughts

Never seen you with pink hair before - now I’m dyeing to see a photo


Booo. Stuff like this is going to get us downvote functionality :).


I believe that the solid ones are called “gauges” and the hollow ones (i.e., “rings”) are called “spacers”

Interestingly, I just ran across this in the wsj…


Among my friends (male and female), it’s mainly dyeing their hair into unicorn colors

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Or are you talking about unicorn barf colors?

Or was that unicorn fart colors?


anyway, just multicolor dye jobs that are tricky

like this:

Tie-dye pate!

I think it’s pretty but I don’t even cover my gray. Hair color grows out and my hair grows fast. Just not worth it for me.

Pedicures, OTOH, totally worth it.

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I only dye the bottom half of my hair. So my roots are always my natural color. No grays yet, though.

The last time I dyed my hair I went a little higher in the front. Probably won’t do that again. Here it is when it was orange.


I now have a stud in my nose.


If I see you I will probably think it’s a zit…


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It looks more like a blackhead or a mole!

How’d you get him to fit in there?


I have a very large nose!

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I thought of a pun about cheese but it wasn’t that Gouda.

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I was just scrolling through a thread in reverse order, saw the bottom half of a post, read the last paragraph, thought to myself, “wow, who is this poster I relate to so well?!” and continued scrolling up to discover it was me, a post I’d made a few weeks ago.



Oh yeah, I’ve been there

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I think it is weird and somewhat self-contradictory (mildly hypocritical?) that people pay someone else to do their yardwork and then pay to go use a healthclub/gym.

I also think it is ridiculous that drivers in the parking lot of the healthclub will cut each other off to get a parking spot 40 feet closer to the building, only to go inside and walk on treadmills. Shouldn’t the healthclub parking lot fill up from the farthest away first and the close spots last?

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