Random Thoughts

TIL (well, YIL) that the company I work for is not public. I guess that explains why there’s no stock sharing plan. I should probably pay more attention to… like… things.

Well, your purportedly-soon-to-be new overlords are.

I was told to refrain from speculating on this “rumor”. I can’t even comment that I have no comments on the situation. As far as I’m concerned, there are no situations even occurring at this time.



I had to google it to! Tiffany abbreviated Today I Learned (Yesterday I Learned)

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She disclosed it even though know one would have known the truth nor questioned her truthiness! We heap honor and adulation upon golfers when they do something similar. We should do the same for GoA posters!!!

I hadn’t heard about that…interesting…

I just saw the first headlines yesterday. Retirement planning I guess.

Retirement planning for Messrs. Goodnight and Sall? …or am I missing something?

Yeah…that’s complete and total speculation by me though.

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Mebbe they’ll go up in space together like all the cool billionaires. That’s just speculation on my part, cuz Tiffneez says there’s a whole lot of nuthin’ going on.

Thanks for the tip. My turn comes in a few years…

I woke up with a single sequin stuck to my boob this morning. Nothing in my house has sequins. I have a history of sleep walking but usually I manage to keep to my own house and avoid the poles.



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follow up question - do you by chance have change for $100, all singles?



I love the flair in the Dostoevsky subreddit

I have a pair of underwear that’s missing a single sequin.



Alcohol lowers inhibitions.

Why is it when I beg and whine, I get shooed out of the kitchen, and when you beg and whine the bedroom door gets shut? :dog: