Random Thoughts

Because I just needed to jitter the data, and I didn’t need this to be reproducible.

For example, I have all the pension funds and their allocation for 2002. All the data from that year would be lined up over 2002, for example, in a standard scatterplot. I jittered the x value with 2002 + 0.5*RAND() - 0.25 to get x values ranging from 2001.75 to 2002.25.

You do this sort of plot when you want to show the data in a way different from a standard box plot.

It doesn’t matter the exact x value it’s at, just that you kind of randomly separate the points so they don’t overlap as much. I could have made the jitter less, but I liked this width.

[Note, the y values aren’t jittered, just the x values]

more on jitter plots:

Check this out:


anyway, here’s the blog post I did it for:


Awesome. Thanks! :toth:

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ggplot is still more appropriate for that purpose.


My random thought is how fitting this thought is for the random thoughts thread…


It’s only pseudo-fitting, Daniel.


Is “GoActuary” like “Go study”? As in I should stop goofing off and go do some actuarying?

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I just sent this to my boss:

Our current rates look way too cheap. I don’t have any crops to spray but I might just buy this insurance anyway to protect myself. Maybe I’ll spray crops later this year.

Been going through my old emails to find the stuff on FEM.

Came across some emails between me & Carol Marler.

An excerpt:

“da bomb” is something that’s good

“da nuclear bomb” is just lexical extension on my part


Pretended unity fools no one but the naive.


It does make me feel a bit sad to come across emails from Carol & from Brad Gile.


Had a productive day today, unfortunately. Got one of my sisters to come over to watch the kids and my husband and I stained the deck we had put in a couple months ago. We did the spindles and railings and banisters first, thankfully, which was more than half of the work. Still need to go over a few spots and stain between the boards, but we finished it in four hours and spent $150 on everything but the deck. We were quoted $1500 by the company that built the deck for us, so it feels good to have saved that money.

My body isn’t used to working outside in the sun, though. I need a nap.

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Back when I had a deck, I did the posts & railings while my dad did the floor boards. In terms of surface area, his job was much bigger than mine, of course, but in terms of time to completion, we were about the same. The posts are so tedious. Yuck.

As for the staining b/t the boards…we just let nature take its course on that…eventually they became mis-colored by dirt & such so as to not be noticeable.

On a long drive with the kids today we listened to a Pirates of Penzance soundtrack (got to get them their culture…).

At one point one of the pirates says “I can explain in two words: We propose to marry your daughters”

I’ve seen this played two ways

  1. Played straight - the speaker doesn’t realize what he’s just said
  2. Turning “propose to marry your daughers” into one word

Both are fine interpretations. I think there is a better one, though - and once I noticed it - it seems like the obvious route to take

  1. [Pirate gets down on one knee toward the Major General, like he’s holding a ring box]. We propose! [Looks around a bit sheepishly], to… marry your… daughters…

I’ve never seen anyone do it that way.

Many names have male and female variants. What is the female version of Kevin?

Kevin - Wikipedia).

The feminine version of the name is Caoimhe (anglicised as Keeva or Kweeva ).

It’s still Kevin, haven’t you seen Up!?

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Back in the day Kevyn Burger was a newscaster for KSTP.

I don’t remember how to look nice for peopley things.