Random Thoughts

I’ve been thinking lately, that while I like my job, it brings me no joy.

And then I was reminded of a scene in the Gilmore Girls reboot.

Lorelai: Mom, stop. You’re not going to have anything left.

Emily: That’s okay. What I do have will bring me joy.

L: Mom, nothing is going to bring you joy right now. Nothing. Your husband just died. When some time has passed and you realize that you’ve given away all of your carefully chosen stuff, you’re going to track down Marie Kondo and kill her.

Central London seems to be full of organised pick-pockets these days.

A few friends of my wife came over from Brazil and had their phones (very brazenly) stolen from their persons while in Hamley’s (a big toy store in central London).

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Second is a subset of the first.

If you don’t drink you definitely don’t drink and drive. But most people who don’t drink and drive do drink.

When I was young, everyone drove drunk. It was commonplace. Now, nine of my kids or their friends would do that.

Some that might be location though. I suspect there’s still some of it back home. Actually, I know there is, because I’ve seen people do it.



anywhere with decent uber removes a lot of it. which is great.

Big thumbs little phone lol.


I’ve been registered to vote since my 18th birthday, which was 20 years, one month, and one week ago, and I have never once been summoned for jury duty.

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The best episode of King of Queens is a toss up between the karaoke/stalker one, and the Doug goes vegetarian one.

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Same, in rural Kansas in the 1990s, it was super common. I did it quite a few times. I don’t know if it’s still common, I think people are generally getting smarter about the risks. Plus Uber does service the area, not sure if it’s practical late at night. But it’s still very redneck so I’m guessing some still drive drunk because ‘calling an Uber is some weak-ass shit.’

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When I was about 16,e and the other farmhands on the road would get absolutely plastered. Then at like 1am we would hop in the truck and drive to another farm on the road, go into the bedroom of the farmer, and wake them up to have a beer with us. And they would.

Really fun times, really good memories, but holy cow, stupid in retrospect.

Today if my spouse or I have even one sip, we don’t drive. It’s extreme but eh, I like guarantees. And it’s not really a burden since I have zero problem not drinking alcohol.

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Lost a classmate in the late-80’s due to driving drunk. The nature of the accident was a decapitation.

Needless to say, the funeral was a closed-coffin affair.


I haven’t had fishing gear since I was a kid, although I have been on a few fishing trips (guides/charter type stuff). I think I’m going to get some fishing gear soon.


I have 8 ten foot fiberglass extending fishing rods on FB marketplace right now! They’re a steal!

I bought them to take students shore fishing. Took me a couple hours to string them.when the trip was done, it looked like they’d been used by cats. I had to cut the line off of every single one. Not doing that again lol. On my regular rods and reels it’s always a couple hour untangle, but at least it’s possible.

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I’d be doing lake fishing, mostly for bass and crappie. As a result that’s way too heavy of a rig for what I need.

They’re actually crappie rods. I guess they help you get the bait into the weeds and under cover. No good for bass though, they’re way too lite for that.

And I’m in Canada so you’re not going to see them in your feed :).

Bnmpoles.com is where I got them

I don’t see any FB marketplace stuff, as I am not on FB.

Lol me either. I have my spouse post stuff.

So I tried chicken and waffles for the first time ever today. Not a fan. I mean it’s fine, it’s carbs covered in fried meat topped with more carbs, how bad can it be? But it doesn’t quite work for my palette.

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It’s OK, but there are far better breakfast/brunch choices and I am a fried chicken fan.