Random Thoughts

I always thought the data lake was a concept rather than an actual place


I totally forgot they were a thing. I must have turned them off a while ago.

This has to be as bad for you as drinking a glass of Jack Daniels mixed with lard, but cherry Pepsi mixed with vanilla coffee creamer is really damn tasty.

I add heavy cream and vanilla syrup to my Coke Zero and it is gooooood.


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“add heavy cream and vanilla syrup to my Coke Zero” sounds like SWIG dirty soda.

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I feel like I have hit my limit on decisions for the season. No more decisions until fall. My brain has made too many already.


isn’t deciding to make no more decisions a decision?




I was about to post the same thing

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Hey isn’t today like some sort of American holiday or something?

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n-years ago yesterday, I posted this to FB (probably got it from here):

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Fourth day of Canada Day celebrations.


Just saw an IG video about a wood-fired hot tub.

My favorite comment (in another language) poorly translates to “c**t unless you have a circulation pump” :laughing:

I saw a billboard yesterday that said “Did you know? 89% of young people do not drink and drive.” I mean, I get the point they’re trying to make, but…

11% of young people drink and drive?? THATS A LOT!

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Is that not(drink) and drive? Or is it not(drink and drive)?

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Well, the first one is a subset of the 2nd… The billboard had some small print, which I was unable to read at the stoplight…

I mean, if 11% of young people drive after drinking (I would assume any amount, I would hope the percentage of young people who drive drunk is much less), then the opposite would be…

89% of young people either
Don’t drive
Don’t drink
Or don’t drive after they’ve had something to drink

I would imagine the percentage of young people who both drink and drive, but don’t drink and drive, is much lower…

But you make a good point… that’s certainly a statistic that can be construed in many different ways. That 89% certainly includes:

Young people who get hammered every night, but can’t drive
Young people who don’t drink, but do illegal street racing on the regs