Random Thoughts

People say, “Do what brings you joy,” but it can be hard to find what that is. Some of the things that bring me joy I found accidentally. And then I still have to be careful to not do them too much because I am easily overscheduled. Like, I have some activity every weekend in September except one. I’m going to have to be careful to not schedule that one weekend.

And like, I want to have people in my life, but too much people-ing wears me out.


They also serve who stand and wait

Have a state primary coming up. In one race both candidates are so bad that I couldn’t decide. Their views on term limits became the tie breaker.


if the only options are Moron #1 and Moron #2, the Moron who is willing to limit themself def gets the vote


Void in IA & where prohibited or restricted by law.

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If you like to eat at Subway a LOT, you might like to sign up for the September Subway Footlong Pass where, for just $15, you can get 50% off one footlong sub per day in September.


If Applebee’s is your thing instead, well, hey, big spender, this post is not for you.

Sorry ffolks, park’s closed. Moose outside shoulda told ya’.

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I was thinking about buying one and living on buying 2 subs a day if that were allowed.
But I’m not too disappointed to see the offer has passed me by. Usually every so many months they usually send us some nice coupons anyway…

Well . . . so much for heading them off at the pass . . .

I’m ready for my life to be back to normal.

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I also need a new-normal.

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I suppose if you were a fire, you’d want your life to be back to log-normal, no?



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What the??? I log off for a mere 20 hours and this is what I come back to???

Wow, gonna take some time to catch up. :grimacing:

Yeah, I decided it wasn’t worth it. Thread reading debt forgiveness,

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OMG, I am finally caught up… I think.

We are having some lovely weather where I’m vacationing at the moment. It’s very pleasant sitting outside reading GoA while the young ‘uns run around and play. The sound of their happy noises is pleasant.


One of the keys to a happy relationship is knowing when to shut up.


Huh when my upstairs neighbors kid has a party and all the little assholes are having fun screaming and banging on my ceiling, it is the opposite of pleasant to me, but to each their own.

Im sure the little assholes are having the time of their lives though.

Well listening to them running around outside where nature is dampening their noises is pretty different from hearing them stomping on the floor. Also different when it’s (mostly) kids you know / have a positive relationship with.

I’ve certainly experienced being annoyed at the sound of random other people’s kids too.

I’m currently watching a show called Nothing to Declare. Let’s suppose there are six stories to tell. They don’t tell the stories thoroughly one by one, they make a point of skipping around to different stories. I suppose this is to create some sort of cliffhanger effect - to keep people watching? If instead they told me one complete story at a time it might increase the chances that I switch over?