Random Thoughts

well, it’s not me


[giving the URL in plain text because it gives an error if I just paste]

try number two:


but not much bc you’ve seen the solution…

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Might make for a decent band name.

My temperature at the doctor today was 99.2. That’s very warm for me, I wonder if I’m getting sick.

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You must confidently maintain the confidentiality of confidential information that is confidential. Got it, confidant?

You should have told this to Alex Jones’ attorney, oh, about two weeks ago.

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I saw a dolphin bracelet.


I just ordered flea and tick collars from a site called spinpaper …I hope it wasn’t a scam.

If they were advertised for you to use . . . it may have been.

I’m gonna miss Cedar Cove when I have to stop being sick.

I paid a little extra to get it monogrammed with my initials…I mean, since I"ll be using it in place of the gold chain & all.

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I do wonder how long I’ll be able to go without buying a smartphone

[yes, I have multiple wifi devices [kindle, ipod, etc] and I have a flip phone I can make calls with and do texts the hard way. But I’ve never owned a smartphone.

I am trying to see if I can outlast the technology…

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i had a flip phone for a LONG time into the smartphone’s existence. i could text and make calls as needed. it was good. eventually for me, the stuff on the smartphone i could use while driving won out (directions and streaming music)

Driving through Kenosha and seeing where the Kyle Rittenhouse stuff went down. All of the businesses destroyed in the rioting were pointed out too… “see that empty lot…, it used to be a mattress store. That empty red building used to be a grocery store.” It’s sad. So much senseless destruction and senseless loss of life. :cry:

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I wish I were drunk.

I had a beer about 3 hours ago, so sorry, but you’re on your own.

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Story of my life.

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If the door were open and lid up, you wouldn’t have to drink alone. :dog:

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Okay that made me laugh.

I was out with a bunch of teachers last night and one of them was talking about when kids ask to go to the bathroom in her class, she makes them ask properly and with respect.

Made me think about how bizarre it is to have to ask to go to the bathroom in a classroom in the first place. I told her how weird this custom is. Im an adult so when i need to pee i go do it. Bizarre that kids need to ask permission. The teacher saying no and actually stopping them also seems like abuse to me. Same policy when i was in school but now i can think about how weird that was. Tack that on to the list of weird crap in schools with saying the pledge of allegience every day.

Sometimes I feel like life is going on without me, and other times I feel like I’m waiting for life to catch up to me.

I don’t know what I feel right now, maybe a little of both, but whatever is underlying it is rooted in sadness. More and more I’m reminded that life is short, and by the time you’ve figured something out, it’s too far gone for you to to really make the most of it. It’s not enough to appreciate life in retrospect, I need to figure out how to get ahead of joy before it crests.