Random Thoughts

I’ve found some high scoring stuff at my moms house. The spice cabinet is a great place to rack up points.

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BRB, gonna take a peek. I’m pretty good to clean out the pantry but I haven’t inventoried the spice drawer to see what might be lurking.

Curry powder, expired May 2012, not as bad as I feared. I’ve packed this and moved it three times, and I don’t recall using it - ever.

I have a very old unopened bottle of tequila from Mexico around 1950 maybe. Does that ever expire?

Mail it to me and I’ll let you know.

Once it’s empty, I suppose.

mayonnaise expired 3 mos ago. Should i keep it?

eye drops expires 1.5 yrs ago. Still good?

This is the thread for you: Random Questions


Mayonnaise is disgusting, so no, you should throw it out regardless of the expiration date

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My brother accidentally started a group face time chat…

…I guess that makes him a butt-face-time-caller

My doorbell is a descending minor third.

F# to D#…one octave above middle C.

My childhood dentist was Dr Teusaw, which was pronounced Two Saw. My childhood orthodontist was Dr Silver

My grandfather’s dentist was Poss…He pointed that out to me when we were at a high school basketball game which had a lighted-arrow on the scoreboard table.

I have six brothers and sisters, and five of them live locally. They’ve all been trying to hang out more.

Tonight they all went to a local bar with live music. I ignored the group text and changed into sweatpants right at 5. I’m lousy.

I don’t like live music or Friday night plans (I’m almost always beat). And if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I fit in very well with my siblings. Or most groups of people.

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What if they had a meeting at a Starbucks that’s closed for remodeling?

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Not really random but Mother’s Day can be bittersweet for a lot of people.


I imagine it can be downright bitter for a few…

My scooter has a digital fuel gauge, it displays the fuel level in bars, kind of like how your phone displays signal strength. Last night I realized I was down to 2/7 of a tank. So I guess the Italians think sevenths is a good unit of measure.

ETA this pic:



Does the cleaning guy at my office building clean every toilet during his shifts? 60 people were normally here pre-covid on the daily, but now there are like 5. There are two bathrooms (one each on the 1st and 2nd floor) for each gender.