Random questions

I think he’d say something like 'I have better thing to do with summer holidays than impressing you lot"

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Probably poolside:

I saw something similar over the weekend and thought of Jas.


I know that mothers are attuned to their own newborn’s cries, but does any newborn’s cries affect a mother regardless of how old her own children are?

I can’t really explain this, but hearing a newborn cry now, 6 years post-baby and more than 5 years post-nursing, is something that I can “hear” in my breasts. I don’t have any milk to let down, and it doesn’t physically tingle, but there is an indescribable sensation.

My mother said she actually leaked milk whenever she heard a newborn cry, throughout her childbearing years.

Another data point… I have never had any kind of biological response to any babies crying other than my own. I feel bad for the baby and would help if it was needed, but it’s about the same feeling as if a small child is upset. I nursed both my babies and would have strong letdown when they cried until around the 4-5 month mark for reference.

I get a boiling anger when I hear children squeal from my living space, which is pretty much every time they talk. Is that my motherly instincts kicking in and not cause I loathe that noise?

Data point!

Does bubble tea taste like tea? I’m not a fan of tea but I’m curious.

Tautologically, yes.

Would be fun if it tasted like bubbles.

But most likely tastes like chicken imo.

Incredibly sweet tea ime. I like boba, but all the boba drinks seem really sweet to me. The boba itself is stored in simple syrup to keep it from dehydrating and sticking together, the drink itself doesn’t need (imo) to be multiple levels of sugary above the tapioca pearls.

If I were to try bubble tea, would jasmine, Thai, or honey oolong be better choices that regular? Which tastes the least like tea?

Probably the jasmine tea, since it’s normally produced from a green tea base and doesn’t go through the oxidization that oolong and black teas do, it’s going to be a lighter tea, making it “least like tea”.

I wonder if I’m on anyone’s ignore list?

you don’t need to wonder. when people have ignore lists, they often like to attention whore post about said ignore list.

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Who said that?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHA NEVER.GETS.OLD.

The earth has been spinning around the sun for quite some time. I think about the whirlpool effect and there should be no rocks in space left after millions of years of toilet flushing threatening us anymore, yet the rocks still appear.

So, is the sun spitting more our way. Can we see solar flares from the face of the sun coming directly at us? The news shows us solar flares from the top of the sun and that affects us (I noticed it today cause my internet was down, it is a monsoon in PHX, AZ and I figured out that women on dating sites are just looking for validation and not a date).

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I recall someone saying something similar on the AO.

Can someone explain why everyone hates Jeff Bezos?

Is it because he has a low tax bill? Because that would sort of make sense.

But it seems to me like the hatred is because he went into space. Why is that bad?

I haven’t followed the story that closely but from the pieces I have seen, I’m very confused so there’s probably some key piece of the puzzle I’m missing.

I don't get the Jeff Bezos hate?

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Ah, thanks!