Yeah, I’ve closed it now but it was like 13+ sections in the paper and 1 dealt with consent. Minors are mentioned but mostly in the context that they shouldn’t be treated unequally due to classes that generally are considered protected in the US (context-depending).
My mind is blown that this is the result of a Fox news poll. WTF are they doing if their audience feels this way
Was it a poll of Fox News viewers or a national poll conducted by Fox News? Big difference. They’re at least purporting to get a cross-section of society in a national poll. A poll of their own viewers is something they’re not even trying to pretend is scientific.
Based on the formatting and the response I’m assuming it’s a national poll conducted by Fox News.
Are farmers any more likely to be opposed to the car electrification movement since it would necessarily lead to the obsolescence of ethanol mandates?
I would expect them to be on average, more opposed due to 1) higher proportion of rural residency needing longer ranges and 2) possible downstream impact on farm machinery due to fuel costs or replacement due to mandates.
It’s hard to tell if “flat-earthers” are serious or trolling.
Por que no los dos? The movement clearly started as trolling, and I think most are still trolling. I think some aren’t good at critical thinking and genuinely believe the trolls and are serious.
Yes, Some are trolling, and some are serious.
Same for religion, qanon, stealing elections, etc.
America is the boiling pot of the gullible.
In the sense of misusing it to justify ulterior motives? (as opposed to in general)
“Is there any other kind?”
I like how the people on both sides of the Bud Light thing (and apparently the Miller Lite thing too now) are fighting over y American beer.
? Did they also have an ad with a rainbow or something?
It’s about women making beer instead of just being bikini models
The horror. Wimmenz were near my beer? I want beer made by a sweaty hairy man that I can pound by the case!
seriously, commas or not -NTTAWWT
I just realized Senator Rand Paul is still a Senator.
He’s been so outshone by people like Trump, Santos, MTG, Boebert, Desantis that I just forgot he existed.
Anyway he said something and Newsmaxx reported on it. I guess he wants people who investigated Trump/Russia to go to jail? I don’t care, you old, weird, fake doctor man.
(Second random thought, I was once a Ron Paul fan when I was quite young. Yikes!)
Ron and Rand are pretty different.
Rand is a real board certified MD though. Not that you’d know it from his political stances, but he is. I believe he still performs eye surgeries from time to time. (Ophthalmologist) He did long after becoming a Senator at any rate, although conceivably he stopped at some point.
This article was published more than 9 years ago
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Rand Paul has another problem
November 8, 2013 at 12:22 p.m. EST
Gift Article
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) (James Crisp/Associated Press)
In the spring of 2010 stories first swirled around Sen. Rand Paul’s certification as an ophthalmologist by an outfit called the “National Ophthalmology Board,” an entity he founded. This week I discovered that while he continues to present himself as “board certified” the NOB has been out of business since 2011, and in any event, does not under Kentucky law permit him to advertise as “board certified.”