Note that “consecutively-re-elected” is a little different from serving in two terms. (LBJ and Cleveland don’t count, but Washington, Lincoln and Nixon do)
Washington (1)
Jefferson - Madison - Monroe (3)
Jackson (1)
Lincoln (1)
Grant (1)
McKinley (1)
Wilson (1)
F. Roosevelt (1)
Eisenhower (1)
Nixon (1)
Reagan (1)
Clinton - G.W. Bush - Obama (3)
So actually, a string of three consecutive Presidents all winning re-election is rather remarkable.
I just got a “responding to your message” from my Senator. I don’t remember contacting anyone about this subject (high speed internet), but it seems like the sort of thing I would do. It was probably one of those “click this link to send our form letter to your government representatives” sort of thing. [red]I guess it’s comforting to know that my senator cares deeply about me.[/red]
Trying to reposition himself as a moderate Republican? Which by today’s standards has a pretty loose definition. He’s up for re-election in 2024 so maybe shoring up his moderate credentials now?