Question for introverts

People are f-ing exhausting. I have no idea how someone can be energized after hanging out with others. Even with my best friends, I am glad when they go home.
I would still love to spend time with my best friends though. Hurry up vaccinations.

Nice humblebrag about having actual friends.

I mean, one of them is my cousin, so it’s a little disingenuous :sob:

Yeah. I feel physical tension in my shoulders after spending a day socializing and being “on.” I still miss it now, though.

One thing I find myself doing that I never did before is smalltalk. I used to hate it, but now I find myself chatting with the people I have to interact with. Nothing extensive, just mostly asking how people are doing (and actually meaning it).

my first cousin lives in manhattan, and i haven’t seen him in maybe 13 years? it was for my uncle’s 80th birthday and my uncle is well over 90 now. don’t discount cousins.

one of us should probably make the effort after this whole pandemic thing is over. the fan family is pretty bad at that. the weird thing about this is that right before the pandemic, my cousin was hanging out with distant cousins who he seeked out from Europe when doing some digging into family history, and yet, he has 2 first cousins in manhattan not too far from him and we never hang out! I also made the effort to hang out with my uncle and aunt and first cousin from the other side of the family when I happened to be in Boston for APC in 2018 (also hadn’t seen them in over a decade), but yet, with a local cousin, I’m terrible. I think my Boston first cousin who went from toddler to practically an adult was kind of in awe of actually meeting someone from her fathers side of the family for once. I had last seen her when she was like 4 and she didn’t remember me. So hanging out with family really should become a thing. Not sure it will though.

What about the other half?

pretty sure you gotta be at least 51% introvert to qualify for this thread.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp
And surely I’ll be mine
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet…

I wanna go to a piano bar

Billy Joel - Piano Man (Official Music Video) - YouTube

i suppose. But that article’s date is today, but still :tfh:

Kik is a messaging app. You can do person to person. Or there are groups you can join. Kinda like flashchat. I’m in a couple work-related rooms. And a couple of purely social rooms. Things can get juvenile at times. Or a little too adult blush

I’ve only ever seen kik mentioned in asia or in a sexual setting in the west.

no gatekeeping! :judge:

We set up a kik room years ago before whatsapp took off. It was easier than a group text message.

I’ve jumped into an adult room or two and it can get spicy…

65% Extrovert, 30% introvert; is the remaining 5% pervert?

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I enjoyed seeing an outdoor performance last fall, and lots of good online stuff, so I’d say I’m not dying to see any concerts aside from the Stones concert that I had tix for last year. But want to make more of an effort to see local bands perform. Lots of good shows on the cheap without having to deal with the traffic and crowds of the more famous bands.

We had a wellness session at work recently. The guy said that most introverts crave personal interaction; they just don’t want to be the center of attention. I think of myself as an introvert - I do enjoy personal interaction but when I’m at an actuarial conference or Potacular event I’m very much ready to leave at the end. I’ve attended many concerts and sporting events on my own, and even traveled solo a lot in college.

I’ve found good ways to interact with people on Zoom. I go to online services every day and have weekly meetups with my fellow chorus members. I’ve had some interactions with friends at each other’s homes and on a few occasions in restaurants, but those are few and far between. Actually one of the toughest parts for me has been the extended time with my wife in the house. For the most part it’s been fine but people just aren’t meant to spend that much time together before retirement.



okay, i’m good with staying home alone for now. thanks for snapping me out of this craving for human interaction. :+1:t2:

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at the end? I go back to my hotel room in between every session and during every break. Any networking sessions I’m peacing out

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