Political Humor Thread

Cruz and Paul aren’t idiots. Often wrong, but not idiots.

Also need every member of the “Squad”, Maxine Waters, and Kamala Harris included.


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Since when did Stephen Colbert move to CNN?

They even drew his one famously crooked ear. Weird thing to intentionally draw/write.

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Look at the red stripe. It looks photoshopped as it starts at the top of the TV and continues onto the wooden cabinet below.

He’s wearing a “pussy cap” which was a thing from like December 2016 - February 2017, so I assume this was stolen from a cartoon that came out during that time period.

Also, it says 2018 on it.

I see your point on the red stripe, it’s just that if this is photoshopped I would imagine that the pussy hat wasn’t original and it was Fox News on the TV, so still weird to put Colbert on CNN.

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My guess is the pussy hat is original but the red stripe and CNN logo were added and the caption rewritten.

No clue what the original cartoon was though.

It might have even been that Steven Colbert was about to tell him what he believes. :woman_shrugging:

Hard to find much by Tom Garrahan, who seems to be the original artist. Doesn’t seem to have an particular gig. Byline is righthandedleftyartist, so another vote for “this one was edited from original”

Me too.
It helps when humor has some truth. Does anyone truly believe without thought every opinion or claim of fact that CNN says? The people who watch CNN seem to be a little smarter than that.
Fox News watchers, though…
And I’m guessing that the pussy hat was originally a tin foil hat.

reddit has a thread on it:

And someone there linked the original:


Colbert was put there over what looks like Bill O’Reilly.

And the real sad thing about this is that someone thinks this is a clever thing to do, and that other people think this is truly original.

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If anything you’d think they’d pick on MSNBC rather than CNN.

Agreed. I’m leftist, and agree that CNN seems to lean slightly left, but center-left. MSNBC is certainly more left, and IMO CNN tends to outdo MSNBC on quality reporting. Obviously, both can be great and terrible at times.

Wouldn’t fit.

Exactly. MSNBC is “the left’s” version of Fox News, not CNN.

The current MAGA messaging is that Fox News is leftist. The true news is from places like OANN and Infowars.


True, but whatever you consider to be the center, I think everyone agrees that MSNBC is left of CNN.


I feel like the Fox News = MSNBC is a bit broken right now just because cheering for the MAGA team has taken things to a new low with Trump as the leader. Like there is no way to find an equivalence to “in court for cheating on third wife with a porn star” using real things to label Biden.



lol…I guess it’s hard for MSNBC to biased without being biased in deciding which facts to use.

Re new king Charles portrait.

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