Political Humor Thread

2016 should have disabused people of that notion.


Guessing many of these folks weren’t of voting age in 2016. They’re pumped for the FA stage without regard for the FO stage or whatever.

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:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: (although it has been at least 22 years since the former)


I am usually annoyed by excessive political vehicle decor, and I somewhat disagree with the message…but this picture encountered on Reddit appeals to my sense of humor (which, as I’ve previously disclosed, seems to have stopped developing in the fourth grade):

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I wouldn’t have the heart to paint a picture of a person I disfavor on something as precious as this person’s truck probably is to him.

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It’s a wrap, which can supposedly (with the right equipment) be removed without damaging the finish.

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Should be able to put a magnet of trump’s face over Biden’s. That would be awesome to do.


Also fitting, since I’m sure Trump’s ass is bigger than Biden’s.


It’s enough to get a small chuckle if I’m being unbiased, but like hell would I pay to put something like that on my vehicle. I’d assume anybody driving such a truck (or putting Trump’s face on a Prius) is a little unhinged, or at very best immature and financially irresponsible.

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I notice none of these “Biden gives away free stuff” disingenuous folk mention he is doing things like honoring the PSLF program where about 98% of applicants who agreed to public service for loan forgiveness were screwed over by the government.

That’s not “canceled student loan debt”, that’s the government fixing what it absolutely failed to do.


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I don’t think Ted Cruz is an idiot, I just think he lacks a moral compass.

Same. I don’t think Cruz or Paul are idiots. The rest of that lot however,…

Why did Trump not make the cut? I mean, he’s quite literally the Idiot-In-Chief.

IMO idiots are not the problem. Immoral idiots are.
Or the worst kind: Immoral idiots who think they are not immoral idiots

Sure, but I think Trump counts as an immoral idiot too. And I think he knows he’s immoral, but he’s presumably in denial about the idiot part.

So… immoral idiot who thinks he’s not an idiot.

Close enough IMO.

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