Political Humor Thread

I’m not looking to justify her as a VP pick, just pointing out that the story we are using to judge her has gone through at least two sets of lenses and might not be the best information to use to form an opinion.
She has offered plenty of other better data points for that.

I can’t help extending this. Kristi Noem wrote an earlier book “Not My First Rodeo: Lessons from the Heartland”. It was unusually successful for a minor politicians book, actually making it onto the NYT bestsellers list.

According to Politico, she had planned to put this story in that book.

agents, editors and publicists at Hachette Book Group’s prestige Twelve imprint, and a ghostwriter — saw it as a bad-taste anecdote that would hurt her brand. The tale was ultimately cut, according to two people involved with the project.

For the second book:

This time around, Noem has a different team in place, as well as a different imprint, Hachette’s conservative-leaning Center Street.

Nothing particular here except to say it wasn’t a momentary lapse in political instincts.


There’s the qualification she’s allegedly gotten plastic surgery and new teeth and totally reshaped her look to look more like Melania Trump to court MAGA.



12 years older, but 2012 is a more attractive person than 2024

I avoided slagging her plastic surgery itself as opposed to the comparison to Melania, since women get unfair scrutiny compared to men on appearance. But acknowledging the impact of a dozen years, I don’t disagree.

so many guys are getting work that makes them look just as phony.
No sexism implied, but I do find more beauty in natural wrinkles

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Oh totally agree. A good trick is to look at the hands. Apparently hands are hard to de-age with plastic surgery. Look at their face and they’re 40, then look at the hands and they’re 75.

Recognizing that most celebrities get at least minor touchups and wear heavy makeup, I agree that at least “semi-naturally aging” is more beautiful.

I have an acquaintance I see once every year or two, and every year her cheeks are rounder and higher, to the point she’s looking like a chipmunk.

Did she eat the dog?

I don’t object to killing animals for food (and dogs are food in some parts of the world… which I do NOT make fun of) but there’s no evidence that Kristi Noem ate the dog she killed, or had it butchered for others to eat, is there?

I’ve eaten alligator. Not sure about snakes. And no idea if alligator meat and alligator skin products like shoes and purses come from the same alligators.

Even if not consumed by humans, I would be surprised if the alligator meat isn’t used in some sort of animal feed or something.


Good point, she should’ve at least eaten the goat…

I ate gator once.

I dont like the seemingly unplanned killing of the animals that she had on purpose.

Farm people view a lit of stuff differently (cats are totall disposable despite being viewed differently in the city). But off-putting to me is that she had these animals for a reason and killed them out of frustration/disappointment.



The intersection of people who would confuse your and you’re and who would reverse the intended meaning of those two statements is probably very large.

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What is the intended message of this cartoon?

I’m not coming up with any interpretations that are funny.

I think it’s chastising pro-Palestinian protesters for placing that cause above other ones, which I presume the author would say are more important or at least more can be done about them.

It immediately read to me as “you aren’t allowed to care about one issue if you don’t care about every issue,” mixed with “I don’t care about your issue.”

Like “I think too many Gazans are being killed and starved and I’d like more aid for them” is countered by “well are you protesting every human rights abuse?? Wow you don’t even care about the Uyghurs you idiot.”

I notice that the figure on the right doesn’t have a sign about pedophilic priests, guess she doesn’t care.

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I think that’s exactly it. Macklemore recently released a song about this and in it he notes that he won’t vote for Biden in the fall. And I get that people are pissed, but I’m sorry, if you stay home and put Trump in the White House, well, is that going to accomplish your goals???


That’s how I read it as well. :frowning: