Official Pokemon Go thread

I made a few new friends yesterday, so I’m working 8 regions rather than just 3. I think I’ll stop there for the moment to make sure I am adequately feeding my friends enough gifts for postcards.

Now am working 15 regions, and have scatterbug from 8.

Still need friends in Icy Snow, Sandstorm, and Marine. I gather Sandstorm is hard to get.

I only have 5 regions. Somehow have marine as one of them without effort. Where did you go for friends from all those regions?

Some from reddit, some from discord, some from Twitter.

At the moment I’d guess about a 50% hit rate. Have several that just accepted one gift and haven’t sent any yet. They’ll get the boot soon if they don’t reciprocate

that’s really rude.

Just landed one Sandstorm gift. Fingers crossed that I can get 3.

I think another bit of networking can finish the rest

Now working all regions! I think whoever sent me the Meadow gift might have flaked on me though since I haven’t had any progress there for over a week

looks like i’m working on 10 regions.

kinda hard for me to keep up with gifts where i am right now. in nyc it’s easy. i’m holding back from opening any gifts from new friends until i can reciprocate.

does it actually register every time you open a gift from a region? doesn’t seem like it.

unfriending that bitch who is level 49 and very close to 50 (less than 1 million away) and playing a game of chicken with that last gift to ultra. i’m level 46. she’s greedy. she needs to go.

IFYP I think. I believe it’s supposed to, but I think it occasionally misses one.

The region map is obviously pretty vague, and I think even some people get their region wrong. I am pinning gifts from a guy in France that thought he was in Meadow. I only have 1 Meadow gift showing, so I think he’s probably in Marine.

FWIW I’m not chasing points/levels so I may accidentally open a gift at the Ultra threshold. I did it yesterday to someone.

yeah, i meant “pin”, not open. it doesn’t seem like it always registers.

I don’t always and when someone is lower level than me I’ll usually just let them have it. although, if they are lower level than me, they might waste it by not using a lucky egg. this person was very obviously waiting for a gift from me, as they are almost level 50 and hadn’t sent me anything in weeks. so i assume they just never will send me anything. at almost level 50, i assume that this is just what they do.


Still need a boatload of candies though

probably why people are walking these guys and the walk distance is only 1km.

not sure i want to bother as i’m committed to mewtwo.

There was a glitch to get more candy but I think it got patched before I heard about it. Will try it this afternoon and report if it works

My tips if you are trying to get all Vivillon types


Wherever you may look for new friends in other countries (reddit, discord, twitter,…), if they are from a more rare area and publicly posted their friend code, they are probably overwhelmed with friend requests. You can try to add them and may get lucky occasionally, but that can be a lower hit rate. They’ve probably got tons of new friends wanting gifts depending on where you found their friend code.

There is a Vivillon discord trade group. You may have some success there, but again those from rare regions that publicly posted a friend code are likely overwhelmed: Vivillon Gift Trade Center

What I did: went on and looked up local discord groups in the regions I needed. Joined them and asked for new friends for gifts. Some discord servers even have a Vivillon channel, and most have a friend code sharing type channel. Note you will need to zoom in on the countries you want on thesylphroad to see all the local discords.

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Unfortunately the candy glitch has been patched. Wish I heard about it before the patch

what was the glitch?

Crazy number of candies per km walked if you did an odd order of operations with a poffin

oh wow, i missed it too. lame.

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