Official Pokemon Go thread

yeah, likely. i’m not sure what players who aren’t participating in gofest see exactly.

last year i didn’t participate and regretted it because it’s cheap and i don’t have to travel anywhere now. but this year, the weather was awful on the first day, so it sucked from that aspect. i think tomorrow is supposed to be better. rain ends in the morning tomorrow.

Bask in her glory

I almost always have my game in mute. Had slight sound just now and was like IS THAT SINGING??? Turned up the volume and it is so good!!! I’m mesmerized by the new music.

They got rid of the increased distance to hit gyms and pokestops today that they had due to covid and which made it so I could hit 4 pokestops plus one gym from my apartment. I could basically play all day just from sitting here. Now I cannot hit any. :frowning:

Pokemon Go Fest Lyrical Night Music - 1 Hour - YouTube


the night time theme apparently.

imma listen to this on loop until i’m totally sick of it.

Ah. I sort of noticed subconsciously that stop distance had changed when I was out for a walk, but just attributed it to bad GPS or bad memory.

I still couldn’t reach a stop from home over the past year, but I could remote raid, which was good for an easy one from time to time. I’m not sure if that’s changed and whether I’ll have to travel or get an invite.

It would be interesting to see if there are regional music differences or if everyone gets the “American version”.

yeah, i’d imagine they have different ones for other countries since it’s in english, but dunno.


8PM apparently is when it starts.

I’m loving the funky portals in the sky!

they went back to the pandemic distance on gyms and pokestops permanently! i can once again hit 4 pokestops and one gym from the comfort of my apartment, and don’t need to move to play the game. with the pre-pandemic distance i couldn’t hit any and it sucked.

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Has anyone seen info on what season 8 pvp rewards are by rank ?

don’t know. I don’t ever know what the rewards are prior to playing it though.

Does anyone ever get above “Ace” level? I never do. I get to Ace level and stall there.

Also, I really should have made it a point to stock up on Diagla candy during gofest and right after gofest when Diagla was everywhere, and also NOT power up the perfect Dialga I got right after gofest and instead forcused on the one I had cause now I keep seeing people with waaaay powered up dialgas with XL candies that I can’t compete against, and there is no easy way to get Dialga candy, XL or otherwise now that they aren’t in raids anymore. So now I have two powered up Dialgas. Should have focused on the one even though it wasn’t perfect IV since it’s impossible to get the candies anyway.

I walked my 98 IV Dialga, and it was an absolute PITA. 1505.7 total KM to power it up to 40. I have some XL candy, but no desire to try and get it powered up beyond that.

I just got mine.

Should have grabbed a stardust, damni

I think I did a couple seasons ago.
Not so this past season.

For my littles that made it to Ace, they got 165K with starpiece on.

My sons and my account both made it to veteran and got 201K with starpiece on.

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Haven’t seen beldum all day.


now i can hit 5 poke stops and one gym without getting up. used to be 4 and one.

I might loathe my building and everyone in it and the noise is killing me, but there are pokestops! lots of pokestops!

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In addition to the cool sunset look complete with long shadows that I’d only recently seen, I ran into something cooler. The moon rises in the right location at the right time with the right phase. A meaningless, but very cool detail.

I have to make a new friend for a quest. Um, I mean because I’m a people person.

My name is my IRL last name. Sounds sorta like a naughty word

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