Offical Video Game Thread

about half done building a trident farm…

Zelda: Breath of the Wild has that same kind of pacing, but with story - plenty to do, but nothing you have to do at any one time. It’s a step up in dexterity, but a lot of that can be bypassed with creative problem solving. And the art style is gorgeous imo. I just started my second playthrough, so it’s on my mind.

Hollow Knight on the Switch is a pretty neat game. Explore, jump, fight.

I actually played that for a while. That’s on my list of games i might go back to if i get bored with Minecraft. I actually never left the “start” area, and spent a fair amount of time doing stuff like picking apples and trying to get a feel for jumping and aiming. And it was pretty enough that i enjoyed that. And open enough that it let me do that.

(Yes, i was that clumsy that picking apples was an interesting challenge.)

I borrowed my son’s game and my daughter’s hardware. :grin: I now have my own copy of the hardware, and would buy my own copy of the game if I decide to play again.

I played zelda a couple years ago, I think it’s the first zelda?
I couldn’t solve a lot of the puzzles…which frustrated me. Had to google the answers a few times.
I don’t like that. :frowning:

Oof. don’t play original Nintendo games. They exist for historic purposes, like Beowulf.

Hah, those are annoying even for me. I usually skip that hassle by just setting a bomb at the base of the tree - does a good job shaking loose the apples. And the trunk, for that matter. Actually… I solve a lot of my Zelda problems with bombs. Hmm…

And…i now have two enchanted tridents, and there are any extra 7 (not yet enchanted) in a chest for whoever wants them.

Have been getting into Untangle Two with Mr. NA. It’s pretty fun, puzzling at times.

They were good when they were new, and everyone was huddled together trying to figure it out for the person actually playing.

I beat it. I would say if you liked FF6 this is worth your while and you won’t regret playing it should you decide to.

I’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn on PC. It launched a little while ago and had a bunch of bugs so I held off. Seems ok for me now. But I’m not sure how much I really like it. Sometimes it’s fun…but I find a lot of the dino fighting more annoying than entertaining. Dodge-Dodge-Dodge-Fire an arrow. Repeat. I read a lot about how great the story was…but I’m 25 hours in and I’m pretty sure the last 10 has just been getting to a city with a bunch of basic fetch quests in between.

Been playing a little Forza Horizon. It’s on game pass so might as well keep it installed while I’m keeping that active. It’s a fun game to just race some cars now on then.

Cyberpunk 2077 comes out next week. So much hype. Wonder how that’s going to work out.

The Switch remake of Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is great and doesn’t require anywhere near the dexterity of Breath of the Wild.

It also has better graphics and more frequent saving (less backtracking) than Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES emulator.

Been playing Runescape 3 during work breaks and some on the Weekends. I figure for $15/mo, I might as well play at least 15-20 hours a month…less than $1 per hour.

I’m enjoying playing PHOGS! with my 8 year old. The two player version entails each of you playing as a head of a worm-like thing with two dog heads. Then you have to solve puzzles to get through the levels. I think my kid is probably the perfect age for this game. He can figure out most of the puzzles himself, but they’re not so easy that it makes the game boring. I genuinely enjoy playing the game with him too, which is not always the case.

It’s on Game Pass for Xbox. I don’t think I would like it as one player because then you control both dog heads on your own, but I haven’t tried it to know for sure.

We got my son Captain Toad Treasure Tracker and I have played it for a few hours. It’s my kind of game; enjoying it.

I just moved this to “games”. It seems a better fit.

Probably, but who is going to explain INDEX(MATCH()) if not us video game nerds?

I used index match as a sub for vlookup. But just looking at the Excel help descriptions, I have no idea what half of the parameters mean, for either index or match.

Earlier this year I figured out how to set up Mame on a raspberry pi. That allows me to play a bunch of console games, but more importantly it lets me play a ton of the games I played back in the 80’s. Galaga, joust, etc.

Now I’m thinking I may set up an xbox to play some of the more recent games, oddworld, halo, maybe see what other first person shooters are available.