NYC restricts the unvaccinated from participating in society

Did you see the Brazilian Women’s volleyball player in the Olympics playing with a mask?



Galen Rupp has allergies and ran an elite race with a mask on a few years ago. However, I have no idea how he does that. It does not seem to work for me, once I get past a certain point running, the mask starts to really bother me, and I have to either remove it or dial it back, depending on situation.

My climbing gym had a policy of proof of vaccination or masks, which I enjoyed, but now we are back to all gyms requiring masks for all regardless of vaccination status.

I might ignore the new “mask mandate” in my building. I go out walking most days, and sometimes I don’t bring a bag. I don’t want to have to wear a goddamn mask just to walk into my lobby and out the door and then have to carry it for the rest of the time. fuck that.

I’m not giving anyone covid by walking out my apartment door, down the stairs and out the front door of the building. I never take the elevator. I shall comply when I do laundry, but I ain’t doing it just to walk outside.


Because i expect there will be people there who aren’t wearing masks. People who are breathing hard indoors, even.

I used to go to the gym for strength, not cardio. But yes, i can do cardio with a mask. For several months i did all my cardio in a mask. I find the mask annoying when it’s hot and muggy, but otherwise don’t mind it much. I wore one to avoid pollen when i was working out in my back yard, even. My cardio may be less intense than yours, though.

But i realize masks are unpopular choice, and while my gym was good about throwing people out who refused to wear masks properly, i suspect there’s mask fatigue, and the gym just doesn’t feel like a safe place. And i can do my strength exercises well enough at home, so my marginal benefit of going to the gym doesn’t get close to being worth my marginal risk, imo.

yeah, my gym never threw people out for that, at least not when i was there. i was only there a handful of times though. the place was also fairly empty when i went there. it was right after i got vaccinated and going back to the gym probably hadn’t caught on yet.

i’d rather they throw people out for talking on their cell phones than not wearing a mask.

Yeah, whereas I am almost completely indifferent to whether others want to gab on their phones. Go ahead. I’ll either tune you out or eavesdrop, depending on my mood. That’s against the rules at my gym, too. (Although I only learned that because someone mentioned it to me. But apparently the staff are pretty aggressive about making people get off the phone, too.)

I wouldn’t mind that at the gym so much but why do people talk on their cell phone in the bathroom??

I have no idea. I’ve never heard anyone talking on a cell phone in the bathroom.

Maybe they are doing a drug deal and want privacy?

:laughing: possibly… I obviously haven’t experienced it recently with WFH but I’ve had a few times where I’m in the bathroom doing my thing and some guy comes into another stall to do his thing and he’s chatting away like …

I wouldn’t be against mask mandates at the gym if I could like, ya know actually breathe. Talking on a phone on the other hand is a crime worthy of death.

I was in the bathroom at work and a woman in the next stall over was pooping and chatting away on her phone with her kids.


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the only time i do that is if my phone rings while i’m in the bathroom and it’s someone i feel i should answer, but walking into the bathroom while gabbing away makes no sense, or making a call while in the bathroom also, no sense.

We used to share a building with a tech company and some of their guys would bring a laptop into the bathroom and chat on a work call while on the toilet…

I would make sure to flush/grunt if they were talking to try and discourage that behavior in the future


I don’t think there is a situation where I would answer my phone while in a public restroom. Worst case I’d make a quick finish and leave so I could take the call.

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Full on Austin Powers scene I hope

I think I’ve taken a call and said “hey let me call you back in 5 minutes” before. But mostly I just let it go to vm and then call back in 5 minutes without answering to say I’m going to do that.

it’s been pretty rare that my phone would even ring while i’m in the bathroom, and it wouldn’t be a random number i don’t know and therefore ignore. probably could count on one hand how many times i’ve answered the phone in the bathroom.

looked up the rule at my gym regarding masks, and they still do not require them, since nyc doesn’t require them, but suggest you wear them per the cdc, so that basically means, i’m not going to wear one. haven’t been to the gym in months though. i will however wear a mask in a supermarket if i happen to have one on me.

most businesses are starting the requirement for vaccination status to enter today. it’s “officially” today in nyc, but the city isn’t enforcing it until september 15, or something like that.

Another example of American exceptionalism: the World Health Organization does not recommend obstructing your breathing while exercising.

yeah, seems counterintuitive to me, thus i won’t do it.

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