News that makes you say WTF?!?!

Reading the article, it sounds like mri disarmed him, and in the process shot him too. No need to wait to pry it.

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Ugh, sounds like a Law & Order episode.

Sure and begorrah!

There was a Hart of Dixie episode about a guy with that. Except he had a British accent, not an Irish one.

He got some treatment and went back to speaking in a Southern drawl like he had before FAS, but he found he got more respect with the British accent so then he started faking it.

Jane Fonda finally admits openly to being an “escort”.

she’s got a net worth of $200M and still whoring herself out because she “supports a lot of people”? That’s BS. She wasn’t hornswoggled on that one, she knew exactly what she was doing. Is doing. They all do. Don’t believe their lies for a second.


I think “prostitute” isn’t the appropriate word.

“Escort” would be far more appropriate given that the former term strongly connotes sexual activity.

All the article indicates was that she accompanied the guy to a ball. social event, not part of the male anatomy

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Analogous to hiring a clown for a kids’ birthday party IMO.

Or those stupid services where you pay some famous person to wish your friend a happy birthday.

Yes, one could say they are all whores to some degree, getting paid to do some artistic but menial task.

Now, if you don’t mind, I have to get back to work on an actuarial model.


How much did you pay to spend time with that model?

Yeah, i was going to say, she only seems to have admitted to bring an escort. She may also be a prostitute, but she certainly hasn’t admitted to it in that article.

I’m a little surprised she said she won’t dance with him because she’s had knees, hips, and a shoulder replaced. I have friends who got hip replacements so they COULD dance again. (And they do.)

This was a private transaction and NOYB. Not going to go all Fonda and brag about it.


I had a “w” word in mind, but I thought I might draw undue attention from whatever moderations occur around here.

Let’s just agree that she admits to taking money to “go all the way to the ball” with a guy


Nothing wrong with that word from a moderation perspective.



Um, whose being paid in that situation?

This headline made me envision 150 cows jumping over the moon -

or a 757 carrying 150 cows so they can be shot from a cannon.

[## Feds launch plan to shoot 150 N.M. cattle from the sky] (US gets OK for cattle-shooting operation in New Mexico)

as god is my witness, i thought cows could fly!


Geez… crap like this makes me glad I’m not still teaching. I did confiscate a cell phone once and while I wasn’t physically assaulted, the student was pretty hopping mad about it.

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