News that makes you say WTF?!?!

ban cats

we need an assault cat buy back program


That’s a meow-velous idea.

Nashville has some weird violence. Camper bomb and cat attack.

Obligatory Simpsons gif:

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I heard they were competing for the best feline attack.

The winner was given a cat ass trophy.

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A coworker had a heckuva time after an unscrupulous waiter added an extra $100 to the tip.

Like the check was $20 and coworker left a $5 tip (which is 25%… already generous) and the waiter added a 1 & a 0 to make the tip $105 and the total bill $125.

The two 1s & the 0 were in a different color ink even and a different size / style than the 5 and the 25… it was super obviously fraud. But it was quite the hassle to resolve.

My problem is it sounds like the refund was in multiple checks and they guy claims they bounced when he tried to cash them. Though later Starbucks, still claiming the refund was in “checks” says they were cashed on 2/6. Really, a Starbucks check bounced? Or are Starbucks franchised and the franchises’ check bounced?

Yikes. Usually the consequences of failing to follow instructions are not fatal.

That doesn’t apply to guns.

When gun culture collided with ignorance.

Ignorant entitlement.

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Yeah, true. Candidate for the Darwin Awards, I suppose.

Guess they can pry his guns from his cold magnetic hands.