News that makes you say WTF?!?!

Very fitting for the category.

That’s what you get for showing up to a knife fight with a hammer

The inclusion of a rather specific detail gives the implication that it’s relevant to the decision-making process of the offender. And in the current environment, this adds the element of a potential sexual offender to the list of crimes in reader’s minds.

So, if both “read the same,” why include such an irrelevant detail? The only thing I can think of is to make the story more “clickable” due to the outrage factor.

That’s not to say that everyone would be outraged, but these sorts of people are out there.

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Definitely click bait for sure. See the press thread about missing persons. Women get more clicks than men.

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don’t assign your limits to him! i can practically hear him telling you to “Hold my beer!”


I guess. Losing your CFO job and going to jail seems like a pretty deep hole to be at the bottom of.

“c-i-l-l my landlord”

do he bite?

Where does it say he lost his CFO job?

KFC sends German customers a mobile notification that they should treat themselves on Kristallnacht

“It’s memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!”

That is indeed quite WTF and very fitting for the category. However, I also stumbled across this in the article…

That seems worthy of its own WTF. When did that happen?

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A while ago but so far, nobody has been using it.

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super tragic.

but also omg amazing?

Isn’t Ye just a nickname from Kanye (KanYE)? I mean Pdiddy changed through a bunch of different nicknames. Not quite the same as what Prince did.

I don’t hear people say things like “President Joe, formerly known as Joseph Biden” about normal nicknames. It sounds more like this is a legal name change to me.

I assume that you are correct about the origin of Ye, however.

Didnt read the article, but




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