News that makes you say WTF?!?!

Obligatory: Pics or it didn’t happen.

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Those wife-beaters are just paint.

Hmm when I click on it, it doesn’t completely unblur. Are there pasties in that photo?

lol that the faces of the guilty parties are blurred, but all of the innocents are plainly seen.

There was a question as to whether they had pasties on. With all the paint I would expect it might be hard to determine without closer examination.

And, of course, you can joke about it being Utah and Football but I’m pretty sure this would probably be an issue at virtually any college football game. I remember there was a protest at the Idaho state capital building while their legislature was in session about men being able to go topless but not women. But I’m pretty sure most states still have lewdness laws that prohibit topless women in public.

And sorry about the blurring after unblurring, that came with the photo.

They seem nice

I volunteer.
Nice jugs… of alcohol in those pics.

and boobs!

Obligatory Simpsons video:

so it’s ok to wear a sheer t shirt where you can basically see everything but not ok to wear paint where you’re not really sure what you’re seeing?

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Just wow.

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That’s more like news that makes me laugh…

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I’m glad you find it amusing that Governor and multi-millionaire athlete would steal welfare funds to build a volleyball stadium. Hopefully both do serious jail time for it.

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It makes me laugh, because I’m happy they got caught at it.

It’s one of those “HAWHAW DUMBASSES!” guffaws.

I don’t consider it a “WTF” because I understand how corruption works.

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So the UofU is now considering a rule requiring shirts be worn at events. And to make sure they don’t discriminate, they are considering proposing the rule for all people regardless of sex or gender.

Edit not to now sorry.

Just checking… should “not” be “now”?

I thought I saw a mis-type in a different thread recently and I was wrong so now I’m being extra careful before assuming something is the opposite of what’s intended.


No I think they liked the boobies

Is that a “not”?

Asking for a friend.


You’d be wrong. Admittedly, this website has an opinion on the matter, but

Says that it’s legal for women to go topless in 32 states, illegal in 3 (including Utah), and public decency laws are ambiguous in the others.