News that makes you say WTF?!?!

Appears confirmed this was an official team truck outside the stadium. Picture of the truck and everything in here.

Restaurant menu sparks horror over 9/11-theme, including Flight 93 Redirect Crab Dip and Pentagon Pie

The Clubhouse restaurant at Aquia Harbour in Virginia drew shock - and then an apology - online over its ‘Patriot Day 2022’ menu dedicated to 9/11.

The menu, advertised as only available on the anniversary of the tragic terrorist attack, featured items like “Pentagon Pie,” “9-11 Oysters,” and a “Remember-tini,” according to a Facebook post Tuesday.

For those unable to choose, the Stafford restaurant offered a “Never Forget Sampler” with a little bit of each menu item.
The menu was met almost immediately with criticism of its apparent insensitivity. Although it was quickly deleted from Facebook, it had already been captured and reposted to Twitter.

One Twitter user pointed out the restaurant’s proximity to service members and veterans in the area.

“Appalling,” the tweet read.

The restaurant is also roughly 45 minutes from the Pentagon, where 184 people were killed and which was heavily damaged, in the attack.

The manager responsible for the menu quickly addressed the backlash and promised “a new theme” in an apology posted to a private community Facebook page, according to the Daily Mail.

okay, this made me laugh instead of WTF? ing.

in a wide open space he could dash in any direction. Probably cops deemed it safest to grab him while he was occupied vs chasing him who knows where with shots being fired

meh. There’s wwII themed food like B52 shots. B52s killed way more peeps than flight 93

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Man any time i post in either of these threads I get these responses. When I heard the story this AM I immediately said - oooh, lots of people aren’t going to take that lightly. but the other lots will be like meh.

I have a homebrew that I dubbed 343. It is for the 343 firefighters killed @ 911. I made it with two other firefighters though. And it is a amber (red) ale. Insensitive? Sure. In respect of. Yep. 49/49/2

The recipie called for 30%/40%/30% mix of grains as well…so 2% mathy nerdy

we are the most murderous species in the history of this planet. Let’s drink to that :tumbler_glass:

“The ‘We’re Sorry Sampler Platter’ includes…”

I’d give the edge to praying mantises.


Oh, an official truck — HA!

That’s hilarious

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I dunno.

Let’s give it up for whatever bacillus caused the Black Death

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well, if we’re gonna include killing other species, we should count our antibiotic history

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I’d say mosquitos, but since it’s not premeditated, they are probably more accurately described as the most manslaughtery species.


I never get bloody Marys or eat blood oranges because the word blood scares me

Couple ladies showed up to the UofU football game with painted on shirts.

Did the mother just arrive from the 1950s?

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They’re in Utah.

Oh no, boobs

Lol I brought my kids to see a violent spectacle, not boobs.


Should stick to sumo, and watch near-naked huge guys shove and throw each other around

it’s loads of fun

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