News that makes you say WTF?!?!

well then, I’m not going


no one goes to K2 anymore, it’s too crowded.


Yogi rarely K’d anyway

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Guess I better bring something comfortable to sit in while I wait.

I guess they’re going to sell the new iPhone there first.

I guess the mortality rate of 25% is set to increase.

How does this guy still have a law license let alone be running for judge?


French physics professor admits his tweet with an image of a distant star from the JWST was actually a picture of a slice of chorizo.


Lol. He should’ve followed it up with a ‘real picture this time I promise’ and posted a picture of a pizza.


That photo… Doesn’t look like a photo of space. It looks like a photo of a slice of sausage. I have to assume he posted it as a joke.

That one spicy star


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I read that she is a “Houston native,” meaning she is from there but might not live there now.
I mean, I am a “X” native, but I live in SoCal, where X<>“SoCal.”

Just when i think your brain cannot be any bigger. You go @meep

She had 13 prior accidents. Though probably none as spectacular as that last one. Amazingly DUI/DWI not ruled a factor.

they rarely are

This article says she is a traveling nurse and was ruled a flight risk for bail. It also contains video of the crash. Very terrifying. The red light is the least of the issue since the traffic on the cross street that she plowed into was 3 lanes wide and very heavy, so there is no way that she could not have seen the traffic even if she was paying not attention to the light. She apparently has mental heath issues and does not have a CA drivers license.

If she is not paying attention at all to her surroundings, except her phone, I can definitely see her plowing through three lanes of traffic.

But, hard to know if that is more likely than being a wacko and doing it on purpose.

90 mph in 35mph zone is probably something other than being distracted by her phone.