News Articles that might make the Lounge thread

EHRC (British “human rights” group that has gone rogue) is losing employees rapidly due to rampant transphobia

Matt Walsh tried to trap trans people into appearing in an anti-trans documentary by creating a project called the “Gender Unity project” that was telling people they were producing an positive documentary about the lives of trans/GNC people.

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CW Suicide

12 year old British trans boy commits suicide, then misgendered in statement by school

This is the future Republicans want for the US. Dead kids.

300 elite college swimmers denounced US Swimming’s policy and called on the NCAA to allow Lia Thomas to finish her season.


Leaked EHRC planned guidance suggests banning trans people from all single sex spaces in Britain, which would essentially make it unsafe for them to exist in public.

French court allows trans woman to be named as mother on birth certificate for the first time

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Utah Republicans propose commission to determine appropriate body proportions to participate in girls sports

I wish I was joking.

[Apple adding pregnant man and pregnant person emojis ] (A pregnant man emoji is here and it’s about damn time) – another step toward inclusivity for men or non-binary people with uteruses.

Just a tweet, not an article, but Florida amended the Don’t Say Gay bill to require school teachers/staff to tell parents if their kid is not cishet — even if telling them will knowingly lead to abuse or abandonment

Saskatchewan allows residents to remove gender from their driver’s license:

The blank option will be available for customers of any age, upon request. No documentation is required to remove an existing sex designation. SGI said there is no charge for changing the sex on a driver’s licence or photo identification.

Which is fine, since the cops don’t need to do a genital check if you’re caught speeding.

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This might be may be my last post in here for a little while. I’m so broken by this.

This is a great thread, and is explicitly why I try to push back at every so-called ‘liberal’ who gives credence to anything the conservatives push about trans issues.

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The far right is currently in a full-scale assault on anyone who isn’t a cis heterosexual Christian man. Full stop. They want the dominance of the mid 1950s back, and will do everything they can to get it.

When they lost on gay marriage, they retrenched, and bathroom bills were their first salvo in reigniting the culture war. Pick on the next easier target after they lost in their battle against gay people. Just like the anti-gay marriage amendments, these bills come up in state after state after state, and it’s a clearly coordinated effort. Then comes the trans athletics ‘debate’, which was clearly orchestrated to shift the window. And now this bullshit.

Combined with the Florida anti-LGBT stuff going on, it’s very clear what the goal of this is.

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I want to talk about this in the open Political forum but I’m too angry to write coherently about it. Every single ‘liberal’ who said to a single far-right argument “well, I guess ‘that’ makes sense” enabled this. Full stop.

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oh wow, they even outlaw puberty blockers! :cry:

I wonder if Texas allows gender affirming surgery like adding a couple of inches to a (cis) girl’s breasts? I bet they do.


In happier news, I saw one of my trans students last night for the first time since the pandemic. I teach a gym class a few hours a year at a local university, and she was my student for a few years, switching over that time from presenting as a boy to presenting as a woman, with two name changes en route.

When she first transitioned, my boss objected to my checking off her name on my attendance sheet, because “wait, that’s a boy who just signed in as a girl”. (And my boss is very concerned about attendance fraud.) Last night, no one would have questioned her feminine name.

Oh, and then there was this too today:

Not an article, but astrokatie is someone I enjoy following on Twitter

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AstroKatie is awesome. Her book seriously inspired by 9 year old to be interested in astrophysics and how the universe works.

My 13 year old and I both enjoyed it. I couldn’t get the other two to even try it.