New Music Game

I think part of this game is to get creative and introduce others to music that they may not have known about. Though I think we can find a mechanism to introduce artists already picked at some point.

That’s an interesting take on it. I like it. I like the music I like, but I get stale on hearing some things over and over again. Even some favorites I get tires of after a while.

One thing, I am confused on how to use the poll. I make my selection but there is no button to " chalk up" and submit my vote. Is it sufficient to just
make a pick and leave it there? I seem to be able to change my vote after I have made it, as there is no “submit” button. I am still getting used to the new GO software.

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I voted for Thin Lizzy. RIP Phil Lynott

I made it so that you can change your vote, but nobody can see the results until the poll closes (which will be on Tuesday). I suppose that’s just the way it works with “don’t show results until it closes” polls.

I can think of better songs for Billy Joel than the one for this topic, though. And Billy has a nice range of song types. So I’m not sure how knocking him out so fast provides “diversity” of exposure, especially if few haven’t heard his songs (beyond what might play on “The Classics” radio streams).

That’s my take on it too. I also think more people may be inclined to join as well if you keep more of the mainstream artists in the running and knock out one-hit wonders. You would still get introduced to new music by the poll.

For the record, @IPD , I like your rules. I probably won’t participate much because I’m not much of a “music” person (at least not in the context of what this game is about), but I appreciate what you are trying to do.


Q: How should one answer this poll?

  • Song I think is “best”
  • Song I like the most
  • Song that best fits the brief (for me - i.e. reminds me of home)
  • Song that best fits the brief (for the submitter - i.e reminds him/her of home)

0 voters

All of the above. It’s purposefully vague. I think for me it’s the song that makes me think “Oh nice one”

spoiler alert the Mod has also submitted a song and vote!

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Sorry for all the questions (ulterior motive to bump this up to the top), but just wanted to clarify:

  • should I limit my vote to songs that are new to me, in keeping with the idea of the thread?
  • is it possible to award negative points/votes?

Does not have to be new to you. You can vote for any song for any reason.

No negative points at this time

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I think we’ll make this an ongoing casual weekly game. Anyone can join in at any point. New category will pop up on Wednesday morning, submit until the weekend, and I’ll post the poll Sunday night/Monday morning which will close on Tuesday.


May I suggest posting the “next topic” on Tuesday and close the poll on Thursday?

Keep everything else the same.

I worry that if the voting from the previous topic overlaps with the new topic it might make it a little confusing. Or am I selling the participants short lol

Then do an “every-other-week” cadence.

Two business days may not be enough time for someone to get on and check out the songs (especially if it’s a fairly long list).

And since “submissions” are done via PM, I don’t see how anyone would “get confused” since the poll is already out (and would likely be seen before the new topic).

With that said, it might take a round or two for folks to get the format down.

Sort of like playing Secret Gandalf.

Bumping for votes but figured I ask a question to see if I understand -

The “winning” song - That artist can’t have any songs submitted by that artist in future rounds?

The “losing” songs (by that artist) can’t be submitted in future rounds, but other songs by those artists can be submitted in future rounds?

I would like it to be this, but I believe that IPD’s vision is that all of the artists in that poll are knocked out all together, regardless of Non-nominated songs.

As VA said, all artists are knocked out for ever and ever.

However, since it seems like many contestants want some repeats, I will find a way to get the selected artists back into the mix at some point.

There are a lot of musical artists out there ya know…

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I think for the first couple rounds I’ll go with no overlapping, but think we’ll get the hang of it and I can make the voting time longer in future rounds.