Musk buys Twitter

That guy’s been dead for years!


I probably still have an account on X, which I’ve had for 20 years and basically never use. I’ve never had the app on this phone, or the prior one. Probably not the one before that, either. Or seems like more tricky to delete than it’s worth.

I actually have a real Facebook account, though. I’ve only used it in the last few years when someone contacted me and says, “did you hear that so and so died? Such and such posted about it in Facebook.” Then i go to Facebook, read the obit, express condolences, and get sucked into scrolling around for a few minutes. It’s fewer minutes each time because Facebook has really gone downhill in content. I used to only see stuff from friends and friends of friends. Now it serves me all sorts of random garbage. (In addition to the actual ads.)

I probably ought to delete the Facebook account. But i also do want to read obits of friends. :cry:



i also reach out and wish folks a happy birthday! it’s not all deaths. (although in the last 2 weeks I have friends whose 1st birthday post death occurred.)

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There’s one guy who asks for selfies as a birthday present, and i used to post one for him. But i just haven’t been on Facebook enough to do that. No one texts me and says, x hey, did you notice it’s Sam’s birthday".

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It’s not really surprising that a white guy who grew up in Apartheid South Africa is kinda racist.

I think everybody should hold him to that. How long until there is only Musk left?

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Free speech absolutist at work, folks. The guy who once said something like the goal of a free speech platform should be to piss off folks on the right and the left equally.


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Community wants more nudity

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Well, naked Nazis would at least be pleasingly alliterative.

can confirm, am part of community and want more nudity.

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