Musk buys Twitter

Know your clientele

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It appears that X is down as of maybe 9:00 AM Eastern.

I wonder if it’s a regional thing, as it is working fine for me.

Seems to be back up for me now.

This site

Says it’s been down for 40 minutes.

Someone posted an AI generated bit of Harris basically berating her own candidacy. It was clearly labeled as parody. I have no problem with that as labeled.

Musk tweeted the video himself without any parody label, getting over 1M views with Maga eagerly lapping it up and spreading it. Sometime after he got called out directly by the Harris campaign and others for distributing fake video, he edited his post to label it as parody.

Other similar fake shit he has distributed recently:
Maduro probably did steal an election, but distributing fake news is not helpful. I expect he will have the community notes deleted and those that made them banned.

Claiming Google has blocked searches for Donald Trump. So stupid as anyone can check this with minimal effort. Maga is running with it though

This is all very fresh. Post anything fake about Trump though and he will bring down the ban hammer.


Minimal effort is often asking too much.


Yup, its a right wing cesspool with a red pilled owner completely unaware of what he’s doing.

He is red pilled, but I’d argue very aware of what he is doing. It’s a feature, not a bug. He overpaid for the world’s largest megaphone to advance a personal agenda, with a fake veneer of free speech (free as long as you like his ideology)


And he has openly said that he wants to advance his agenda.

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Huh, i haven’t really seen him admit that. Seems like he believes all the nonsense things he posts, including how he is promoting free speech.

I agree he is a true believer, including free speech as long as it isn’t too critical of the things he believes in.

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So free speech, but not quite. I think I’ll call it eight dollars a month speech.

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People willing to pay him get their voice greatly amplified, which is bad enough. That’s a relatively small price to pay for the bots trying to influence public opinion, and many Maga bros will gladly pay the freight. Even worse, his feelings were hurt that not enough people were reacting to his tweets so he had programmers massively amplify his own tweets. Had to block him so I only get the more outrageous ones that trickle through via screen shots. I don’t pay him and won’t, so I imagine my days on the platform may be numbered.

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Musk’s post violated Twitter’s rules. They only apply to those that don’t support his agenda.

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Eventually, it will be only him posting. Too bad there will still be people who think what he posts is important.

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You know, if you just edit out the first result, that IS what Google shows.

(Google popped up “Donald Trump” when i typed “presi”, which kinda surprised me. Is have expected the current president to be listed first.)

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Musk has now “permanently suspended” the white dudes for Harris account. You can read their tweets, but they can’t post anymore

KamalaHQ was also briefly shadow banned the day she declared (people were getting error messages when trying to follow, and it wasn’t showing up in explicit searches). I think that that was due to the software sucking and being overloaded by too many follow requests, but it didn’t look good.

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The White dudes for Twitter account also could be having issues from bad software controls. Get too many mod reports on a single account in a short time gives an auto temp ban. Both cases will just Streisand effect and help the Harris campaign.

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