Makes me smile

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Nice article about my county’s approach to mental health within the justice system. Some really good data points on how outcomes can be improved if we try to help people, rather than simply punishing them.

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I assume they mean that the percentage of inmates with mental illness dropped from 18% to 10%… article isn’t really clear.

It would be good if we could get to more mentally ill people before they turn to crime, but certainly better late than never.

Yes to the question about how to interpret the percentages.

Totally agree we need better mental health access across the board. I’m guessing many of these people would never be in jail if they were being treated prior. I suppose there will be a floor, some people just won’t seek treatment. Of course, we aren’t there yet for lots of reasons.

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Headline I saw:

Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city

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In an earlier, more civilized time, I would be a caped crusader haunting the streets, off to seek revenge against the editor who set that headline


Sounds like you didn’t read the story, in which the City of Buffalo prefers the white areas over the black areas.
So, go ahead and keep people from knowing the truth about Buffalo, a shitty city.
They will also let a billionaire get a near-free Fuh’bah stadium for the white fans to pay them to watch modern-day gladiator games.

She was specifically talking about the headline, most likely due to the “polarized” pun.

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What @SteveGrondin said. I thought it was already common knowledge that Buffalo, NY is a pretty shitty city for blacks.

I was posting the Blizzard/Polarizing juxtaposition.

I mean, you assholes are shitting in my thread


So let me unstink it.


:dizzy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :scream:: :confounded: :lalalalalala: :oh_noes: :biohazard: :biohazard: :biohazard: :radioactive: :radioactive: :radioactive: :-1:

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Oh shit, i didnt catch that.

Let meep off the leash!!

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