Quelle sorte de flufferie est-ce???
I like this word.
the humorous image that you shareh for the boarding school
“shareh” is not a word in French.
It seems like “shareh” might be a colloquial or informal way of saying “share” in French, likely influenced by those damn Americans
The humorous image that you share for the internship.
*edited for my own amusement
partager = shareh
If you’re going to spell it wrong at least say sharez, get it right people.
what made me smile today was checking out whether or not I could change my flights for next week (Monday and Tuesday) and finding that, via the Southwest website, I can actually get a $50 credit by taking the exact same flight I was already booked on. Both ways!
Glitch in the matrix right there.
Hubby traded his Apple Music account for Kindle Unlimited. And he let me show him how to find podcasts on Spotify.
Mr aj: I’m not even sure I’m gonna watch the Superbowl. I don’t like either of these teams.
Also Mr aj: turns on Superbowl coverage as soon as we get home from church
I don’t think he’ll mind eating the homemade chicken enchiladas I’ve been slaving over.
My girls are both here and roasting their dad, getting back at him for years of him shushing them during NFL games.
Roy(al) G Biv
(as a friend quipped)
One is in NoCal and the other is in IN.
I was surprised to see pheasants on the list, as I didn’t think they counted as domesticated animals.
I wasn’t surprised to see GA mostly gray, as the state produces a lot of chickens
I went to college in IA, and no doubt that’s the hog capital here
maybe the 2 counties they’re dominant in, they’re domesticated pheasants, not wild ones.
I had been expecting more hogs in NC, but I guess there are more chickens.