Looks like abortion is about to get outlawed across America

Not to completely gang up on you…but… IMO Brown V Board reflected a huge and permanent cultural shift across the country. While here the culture hasn’t changed, but rather a couple Justices were promised to a minority of voters to deliver this specific result.

This seems much more like a political maneuver than a reflection of anything permanent, and more open to flip-flopping if the Rs ever lose scotus power. And even if the Rs keep SCOTUS power for decades, there’s the fact that religion is dying in the US, and with it the desire to criminalize abortion.

I think the US can live with this decision, but the next generation is going to scratch their head at it, to say the least.

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You are probably right about Brown. That cultural shift certainly didn’t cover the entire country but you could easily account for 60% or more.

With Roe the legal shift happened before the cultural shift reached that level. It also went farther than the cultural shift even came close to reaching. Something like 75% of the country now thinks there should be restrictions on abortion even in the 2nd trimester. Casey has problems because viability has become earlier by a lot due to improved medical technology. I think those issues are a large part of the reason abortion is still such a big issue. Roe cut off almost any debate with substantial ramifications other than in front of SCOTUS.

From a legal standpoint the reasoning that underpins Roe was exceptionally weak for such an important decision. Roe doesn’t stand well on its own as a matter of law and overturning it is from a strictly legal standpoint probably the right thing to do. From an ethical standpoint, I believe woman should have a right to choose with some reasonable restrictions regarding timing. From a political standpoint, this sucks. The Democrats were well on their way to getting epically hammered in the midterms and a certain 1-term POTUS run. This gives them an issue to rally around. I would have preferred that didn’t happen.

I think I agree broadly, except I don’t see how this will fix anything. It’s not a solution, just a point scored. And I think the idea of Stare Decisis is you need to do more than that?

It’s so wild to me that before 1995 most people were against interracial marriage. I had no idea it was the recent. It really harms people who make the argument that racism hasn’t been a problem in America for long time.


You are correct that most Americans think there should be some restrictions on second trimester abortions, but that’s only part of the story. A very small minority believe abortion should be completely illegal or illegal in most cases, but that’s where we are headed in a large part of the country. A fairly substantial majority believes abortion should be largely legal in the first trimester.

Abortion has had majority support in this country since before the Roe decsion, so I’m not sure what you are trying to claim here.

It’s weird to be sad that American democracy might survive an additional 4 years.


Yeah, I think it was The Economist that pointed out that the Democratic Party is substantially left of popular opinion while the Republican Party is substantially right of popular opinion and both parties ought to freaking move towards the center.

(They might or might not have used the word “freaking”… can’t recall.)


I need to see some data on this. The Dems seem directly in the middle of the popular opinion on this one.


You might like this article: Where Americans Stand On Abortion, In 5 Charts | FiveThirtyEight

I think for many people, the position wasn’t that there was necessarily anything intrinsically wrong with it. Instead, it was hard on the children would not be accepted by either the white or black communities. Not something i agree with as a reason to not marry somebody, but much more understandable.

Well they were speaking about Democrats who favor no restrictions at all whereas most Americans do favor *some restrictions.

I don’t know of too many Democratic politicians who advocate for any restrictions.

I will grant you that the Republicans passing laws which are to the right of popular opinion has more impact… in that most abortions are in the first trimester and/or related to the health of the mother or the viability of the fetus… and thus the kind that most Americans would say to not restrict.

I bet if you explain the situations where people were getting later term abortions to people who support abortions with some restrictions, they would see why people get them later in their term. I’m guessing the majority of these stances are coming from places that lack a comprehensive understanding of why people get later term abortions.


And then you have the politicians who think that ectopic pregnancies can be salvaged and implanted in such a way as to save the pregnancy.

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In polls, “approve” isn’t the same as “approve legalizing”.

That graph doesn’t list a source, but the interracial marriage line looks like it might come from this
U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%

Scroll down to the second graph. It shows that from 1979-1995, approximately 70% of Black Americans “approved” of interracial marriage.

I’ll guess that nearly 100% of the thought it should be legal. But, “approve” means something different. Maybe “I’d be happy to see my son/daughter marry a white person”.

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this. Or some making the argument to just put ectopic pregnancies in God’s hands. FFS those won’t ever become babies and will kill the mother. Ectopic pregnancies are also quite common, and terminating them will become illegal in a bunch of states looking for absolute abortion bans.

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There’s also something called a molar pregnancy which in addition to not being viable can become cancer.

I would also add that “approval” of something isn’t necessarily the same as “I’d want that in my neighborhood.”

I’ve known quite a few people (not living in CA) that approve of gay marriage . . . so long as it stayed in “California.”

yeah, my mom would 100% be against me dating a black person, but she would 100% be for legalizing interracial marriage.

different levels of being against something

Would she cut you out of her life?
Would she be passive aggressive and never accept the person?
Would she treat the person normally, but secretly stew?
Or would she prefer an Asian, but accept it once a done deal?

and dating a black person bothers her, but dating guys doesn’t?