Is White Supremacy a serious threat to the US, or is saying so a "darndest thing"?

No, that is not how the world works. No single person can define offensiveness for all of us.
Fixed for accuracy:

Assuming he says what he thinks.

Still unsaid WHY it is “inappropriate” (he will need to define what he thinks is appropriate for a commencement speech) and thus darndest. We may never know.

In the other thread, no one has to discuss whether one thing is darndest for 50 posts. They are obviously darndest.

Ranger said that white supremacy terrorism was a “racially motivated” topic. I don’t know if he think’s that’s broadly true or just for an HBCU commencement speech.

I imagine someone might? be similarly offended if a politician brought up Muslim terrorists in front of a crowd of non-Muslims. I’m not sure. I’m not that PC myself.

And yes, I agree it’s hard to relate when the other topic is full of people openly shitting on groups of people who are not terrorists.

And, what if it was? What does that even mean? More dog-whistle shit, IMO.

And, again, what if it is? What is darndest about it? Does Ranger know that White Supremacists still exist in America AND still (for centuries) plan violent attacks on America and Americans, far more than outside influences, who seem now content to wait out our implosion.
We may never know. I’m not sure I care, either.

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There were literally students at the graduation protesting that the Biden administration isn’t doing enough to address white supremacists. On the same day that Biden was speaking, a group of 200 white supremacists held a march 2 miles away from Howard University. Not mentioning it (which he only barely did in a 26 minute long speech) would be ignoring the elephant in the room.


Ahh, thanks for some context.

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Clearly Biden should have invited those “very good people” to the Howard commencement.
Just reach out, invite them in, amd continue to ignore their violent actions and rhetoric.
I believe that is the type of “unifying” that Ranger seeks.
Burying ones head in the sand and ignoring the problem.

Thanks for this additional info, as it’s important context. If @Ranger was unaware, this should reframe it for him.

I do not see how this type of attitude can be anything at best white supremacy apologist and more likely something worse.
Or we supposed to take someone seriously that does not think that violence perpetrated by white supremacy/nationalism is a problem?

Heck, we even have a sitting senator on the armed services subcommittee that is demanding for the US military to enlist white supremacists and normalize this abhorrent ideology as just “another political view.”

Ranger saying that Biden stating the undeniable fact that “white supremacy terrorism is a threat” is Biden “being divisive” can only mean one thing given the context of Biden’s speech.

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I seriously doubt he was unaware of the context.
And if anything i think this will make him just double down and continue to support them.

Could be. I don’t remember the keynote at my graduation. All I remember of my college graduation was that it was boring.

I thought it was a little weird to be talking about threats to America in a graduation speech, unless it was framed as a “ask what you can do for your country” think, but didn’t comment since I had no desire to dig into it to be able to give a somewhat educated opinion. Having the context that it was at a HBU, the protests of students specifically regarding white supremacy, and the nearby white supremacist rally makes a significant difference in the appropriateness of it.

Not commenting on Ranger but I surely think the worst of white supremacists. I don’t think it makes me divided. I’m good with all races unless a person hates other races.

Be careful, someone might accuse you of lacking empathy towards racist people.


Lol. Well, we’ve already the Democratic party labeled by some as the party of racism because of this.


Or be branded part of the intolerant left.


The best “gotcha” some can come up with is that if you aren’t tolerate of bigotry, you aren’t really tolerant, and thus you’re worse than people who brag about their intolerance. Checkmate.


I think the correct term is “Chessmate Libtard” but otherwise, you I think you got it.




I have great sympathy toward white supremacists and limited empathy. They are sad people who often were driven into being who they are. And on a small basis I can empathize with such but I really cannot get into that mind, fully.

We all asked you several times why you thought " Biden tells Howard grads ‘White supremacy’ is the ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ to the United States" was a darndest thing.

You said it was cute that i would ask you to clarify, commented that Biden wasn’t being a uniter, and told others to read your words.

So yeah, we tried to get to a different conclusion but you haven’t offered us much to get there.