tbh I thought this post was going in a different direction, given the time you mentioned.
You are probably taking too much then.
I use it as well for sleep as I get insomnia from time to time.
You need to take just enough do that you don’t end up feeling dizzy the next morning.
This is usually about 25-100mg for most male adults.
I was cutting the 50’s in half, but could have tried taking only a quarter instead. Am starting therapy next week which I’m hoping will help address some negative thoughts.
There are strains that are supposed to HELP you sleep
Trazadone is what I give the dog before going to the vet
Trazadone functions as an anti-depressant at higher dosages but I didn’t know it was also indicated for pets (must be really small dosages).
Works well for the milder types of insomnia at low dosages for humans. But this also depends on what kind of sleep issues you have.
I have issues getting to sleep (trazadone is good for this)
I don’t have issues staying asleep once I get a bit drowsy and get to sleep.
I have tried many sleep aids over the years, and most of them tend to be way too powerful (you end up either passing out due to being dizzy and drowsy or with a near hangover the next day. They can also cause memory problems and blackouts). Just not a good fit for long-term use.
150mg 12 hours before and another 150mg 2 hours before. They suggested adding gabapentin but so far just trazadone is enough. She seemed a bit sleepy this last time but normally she doesn’t seem any different to me, but they say she’s calmer.
Isn’t there a law against getting roofied? At least I have the presence of mind not to drunk post.
Headache woke me up at 3:00. An Advil took care of it. Me tired.
I’m amused that a 65 pound dog has a higher tolerance than a grown man.
You are always welcome at my place for , smoked salmon, and lotsa meet burd chikkinz!!! And I won’t sneak you any medz to take you to the V-E-T.
Who’s a gud gurl??? Are you a gud gurl??? OF COURSE YOU ARE!!!
The vet said you were beautiful. You were underweight when I got you.
Qualitative praise beats quantitative HIPAA violations every.time.
IFYP because you are the bestest, super duperest doggo!!!
@JFG: Be a dear and get your super duper doggo some deelishus, nootrishus chikkinz!!!
There was cheese.
Woke up at 2:30. When I lay quietly and did my breathing exercises I was wide awake. When I looked at my tablet I would drop off. Finally fell back into a deep sleep around 5:30 until my 6:55 “leave the house NOW” alarm went off.
Went to bed at 9:30. Woke up at 11 and then 12 and finally took a Tylenol PM at 12:30. Slept until about 5:20. Would have slept longer but hubby let the cat in the bedroom and he was walking on my head and grooming me.
We’re interviewing right now and I have an 8 am interview Monday. Yikes!
Have an appt next week to discuss with a new primary. Maybe he’ll have ideas/an approach that no one else has considered. i have an appt with a sleep dr to discuss my cpap bit it’s not until June and I need help NOW.
Went to bed at 10:30, slept hard until 2:00 when our downtstairs robot vacuum went off, then woke up very confused (it normally doesn’t wake me up at all) and not really fully awake, and my husband had to tell me four times that it was just the vacuum, just the vacuum, chill out and go back to bed it’s just the vacuum, Nerd. And then I was wide awake for a while.
Had a hard time falling asleep, woke up too early, but finally fell back asleep. Minimal Fs will be given today.