
certainly an overlap there as far as porn is concerned. The top porn search words have long been reigned by mom, MILF, and teen

This thread is inane.


they aren’t more accepting, despite many of them liking it in porn. a hot mother daughter fantasy does not equate to anyone being okay with it in their actual lives.

i read a supposedly true story on some website, I think it was quora digest. it was about a guy who broke both his arms and therefore couldn’t jerk off. initially it started with his mother helping him out with his father’s blessing which eventually led to full on sex (but no kissing cause according to him, that’s weird). The response to him was OVERWHELMINGLY negative disgust. i don’t think anyone was for this. who knows if the story was real, but that’s not entirely relevant.

Tmi aofan, stick to anime pics plz

Iirc, you said you had lots of sex as a teenager, with older men?

I find that pretty striking, and interesting. Hard to reconcile with stories like this:

That is, women I know, whose entire life tilted when they were randomly kissed / molested in middle-school by some uncle/cousin/father. Then they spend like 30 years in therapy, with various eating disorders and suicidal tendencies, trying to recover from it.

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Not a lot. But I first had sex when I was a teen, yes. Because I was closeted, I had to look online, so naturally I ended up hooking up with older men.

Fairly common for gay people of those I’ve talked to. The luckier ones didn’t have to look online, but usually with cousins/neighbor’s kids, probably the much safer option.

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I think it has to do with who’s doing the initiation. Gay kids don’t have any prospects in school, so they almost always have to seek out sex. There are no regrets when you are the one seeking it out. I can imagine it being more uncomfortable if someone came onto me instead.

There’s also probably a difference between guy vs girl. Guys tend to have less regrets about sex, methinks.

fwiw, Dan Savage did a “write your experiences” thing about May-September relationships, once. And a lot of the people who wrote in discussed relationships they were in when they were under-age.

And what really struck me about it was that most of the men had fond memories of those relationships. Some even said that having had that relationship prevented them from killing themselves when they were gay and gay sex was unacceptable and the relationship is what made them think they could maybe grow up to do that anyway. (none of those were incestuous, just teenage boys with older men.)

In contrast, I think all of the women found the early relationship damaging.

Although, I have a friend who had a relationship with a guy in his twenties when she was 16, and I think that was truly consensual and not damaging to her. I don’t think anyone thought of it as “May-September”, though.

what does this mean?

A young person with an old person. It’s an analogy between agriculture and human fertility. May is early in the year, before the crops come in. September is late in the year, when the later crops are being harvested.


I had a friend who took a decade just to realize she had been molested by her dad, and that’s why her life was so utterly screwed up.

He convinced her it was reasonable, convinced her it was consensual, and then she repressed it entirely.

Perhaps not the same, but I was extremely horny as a kid. I remember vividly being depressed at around age 11-12 that I wouldn’t have any chance of having sex until I went to college, and I often fantasized about teachers being molested/raped. Frankly, I don’t know how I was even able to last till HS to have sex.

Well I can’t relate to that. I’d think if your life is screwed up as a result, you must have at least had a recognition that it was not appropriate behavior.
None of the young-old sex me and my gay friends have experienced had any long-term effect on our lives. Sex is just sex to us.
And my first time wasn’t even good, it was rather disappointing.

I mean that she repressed the memory entirely.

Well that’s sad. Don’t think I’ve experienced trauma like that.

Yep. It’s kind of where I am with just calling it rape. Because the damage is so dramatic and unpredictable.

I agree with you that seeking it out probably goes a long way towards making it not-rape, but difficult to define objectively.

I’d always heard the term as May-December but had never heard a reason why. The agriculture explanation makes sense though.

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I think this is an almost certainly fictitious reddit/q-anon thing

In Days, May-December does not adhere to the age gap formula, but May-September does (assuming first of the month)