Improved health and lifestyle from quitting drinking

My wise 2 cents:

if you have a substance abuse problem, and know you can’t live a life without substances, at least change up the substance so you diversity your risks.

AA encourages drinking coffee instead of booze. It’s much safer. :wink:

There are enough people cross addicted to alcohol and other recreational drugs that I really don’t think you should follow JS Mill’s advice. Stick with substances with a low risk of abuse.


AA encourages anything but drinking. It could be coffee. Or M&Ms. Or steak.

Too much of anything on a regular basis will kill you. Too much booze regularly will kill you quicker. And you are less of a danger to others (physically, mentally, emotionally) doing those other things…

I was half-kidding. My MIL was a devout AA attendee, and was sober for decades. She took me to a visitor’s meeting, and I was impressed by the amount of bad coffee consumed.

I was serious about recommending “substances” with a low risk of abuse. All of coffee, M&Ms, and steak are in that category.

Also, if you are drinking a significant amount on a regular basis, consider talking to your doctor for medical help when you quit. Alcohol withdrawal can be unpleasant, and can even kill you. My dad was a liver doctor, and routinely supervised patients who needed help drying out.

I’m not sure if the term addict helps anyone given the stigma attached to it, but, it’s a fair point that most people who’ve crossed into a far enough point in heavy drinking aren’t going to start enjoying a glass of wine once a month.

Well, obviously if you can quit, then just quit. I’m talking about people who know they can’t quit.

I doubt switching to coffee, M&Ms or steaks are gonna help distract from your alcohol consumption. People turn to alcohol to get the buzz and feel numb and escape reality. You need substances that target those needs.


There was a guy on the AO who was a drunk (and/or a druggie) but was in AA for a long while and was successful at it. He was very open about it. Can’t remember the screen name though. We had a few good conversations in-thread over there.

I’m talking about people who know they’re not going to succeed at keeping a sober life. Just telling them to avoid shit is not going to work.

Yeah, I think Lucy’s advice is far more solid than yours for those people.


Personally, I find a good trashy novel works pretty well for escaping reality. I bought a few before the last federal election, in case I needed escape.

I’m sure that won’t work for everyone. But there are more and less harmful ways to seek a temporary escape from reality.

We’re not talking about the same group of people. That’s for sure.

If addicts can be sober by eating chocolates and reading books, there would be no addicts.

“Can be” is a squishy concept. My MIL was an addict. She passed out in front of her school-age children, she once served them raw bacon for supper, she was a wreck. And yet she somehow managed to be sober for decades.

Two of her kids became addicts, too. But they’ve both become sober. I don’t know them as well, and don’t know their stories. I know my BIL worked in the produce department of a Whole Foods, and he said that after he became sober, he realized it was an incredibly boring job. But I know it’s possible for people who are addicts to stop using the drugs they are addicted to, without picking up other chemical addictions.

I know it’s possible. For many, it’s not. Those are the people I’m talking about/to. Simply offering an alternative strategy. Take it as a last resort if you may.

For a long time I’ve had ~1-2 beers per night. Rarely much more than that for fear of a headache the next day (and health risks) but it sort of became routine. Funny enough one of the things I tried during COVID was lots of different types of decaf teas (there are SO many), and ended up landing on one. I still probably have a beer every day or two but for me a big thing was just having a drink in the evening, and especially in the colder months hot tea has filled that for me, probably to my body’s benefit.

I’ve been really into ginger tea. My local asian market sells this ginger honey thingy. It’s super gingery (spicy). Mix it with some hot water. So good.

Oh that sounds good, will have to try that. I’m a big fan of ginger.

I love a good ginger tea. Maybe I’ll have some this evening.

Have you tried NA beer? I have them occasionally as a break from real beer and always keep a few different brands in the fridge. Just recently I’ve found and enjoyed Samuel Adams NA beer. I also just got a case of Bundaberg Ginger Beer (it’s also non-alcoholic) on sale at Costco.