I'm Over __ Years Old, But I've Never ____

Sounds spectacular, except skiing makes me nervous.

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Seen 17 out of 37. Enjoyed most of the ones I’ve seen, but not all.

Over 30, have never had a partner directly break up with me, i.e. have always been the one to formally initiate the breakup (although in several circumstances it was clear they’d checked out and just didn’t want to formally pull the trigger).

Never have I ever been in a car accident.

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Accommodating those last two would put a damper on the po’tac itinerary. The skiing or car accident could solve the broken bone one.

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I vote for water skiing over snow skiing. @meep didn’t specify :wink:

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Heat plenty of stuff in that toaster oven in my honor.

Because you’re not going, because you’re over XX years old and you’ve never been a fan of traveling?

I’ve only seen 12 of the movies on the list that I remember. Maybe 13. I can’t remember if I saw Singin’ In the Rain on screen bc I only remember the theatre version.

Well, now I have a Friday night list that should last a while.

@Celalta said water skiing. You said you live near the beach. You can host, no traveling involved.


I don’t like visitor’s either.

I have attempted water skiing in the past… but never managed to make it very far. I gave up very early in that attempt.

I am not going to do either type of skiing at this point in my life. I might do snowshoeing.

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Snow shoeing is fun. So is water skiing. I never got the hang of downhill snow skiing and have lost all interest in learning.

I might give cross country skiing a try though.

No, snowshoeing is stupid. Hard to walk, shoes get all tangled up and you fall down. And even if youre successful you’re still walking, which is also stupid.

This is why they make snowmobiles.

So why do I own snowshoes? Because my so likes to hear me complain I guess.


You need to add a “dislike” option.

Also… it’s hard to walk for like 90 seconds or so. Once you remember to keep your legs far enough apart that you don’t step on the shoes it’s not that hard.

It is slow though. Go somewhere pretty where slow is a feature, not a bug.

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I am both a competent snow skier and competent water skier.

Snowboarding, not so much.

How about waterboarding?

I was an adequate downhill skier but haven’t been in a long time. Only tried waterskiing once. It did not go well.

I’ve never seen a tornado, and I WANT TO. In fact, I want to get sucked up into one.

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