I'm old and cranky. I don't want to learn new stuff

The OP has some stats but not everything that you’re looking for.

Clicking on the user will show you how many times that user has posted n a thread. That’s pretty much it, I think.

Thanks. I guess that’ll do for now.

The list of frequent posters attached to the op isn’t quite as nice as the list in vBulletin, but it’s pretty good. Also, the search function works very well here, and it’s easy to search the current thread.

I hadn’t noticed the “frequent posters” thing. That is pretty much what I wanted. Thanks.


I just wanted to let you know that I’m starting to get the hang of things around here and am really glad that you set up this forum for all of us to congregate. Beginning with the AO and now GoA, it’s really helped me out both personally & professionally to be able to tap into the vast knowledge of those who frequent the site.

Thanks for your patience & putting up with me.



Is there a way to turn off the “This is XXX’s first time posting…,” notifications? I don’t really care about that.

Not a big deal, but if I could turn them off it would be nice.

You mean in the thread? No. Thats your trigger to like their post and welcome them.

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Yeah, in the thread.

I’m not going to do those thing, so it doesn’t really accomplish anything. It’s easy enough to ignore, though, so not a big deal.

Is there a way for me to post a video directly from my iPhone? …or would I have to upload it to somewhere like YouTube first and then link it here?

I can see how to post a picture but not a video.

Edit: oh, I finally found it…photo library—albums

Edit^2: maybe not…

YouTube. This is the only way I have found to do it. I mean I assume there are other video upload websites, but you do need to upload externally and then use a link.

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How do you spoiler text in GoA?


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@spacelobster, any chance you would consider implementing the in-line blur feature? It’s nice for brief things.

In the other places you use this, does the blur replace the spoiler tag, or do you have both features?

They have both.

It’s on the agenda for the developer. Not super high priority (and they’re buried right now) so it might be a few weeks. I’ve advised him to keep the spoiler tag instead of replacing it.

Is there a way for me to find all of the threads/topics that I’ve created in a particular forum (specifically, software-technology)?

I know how to find all of the Topics I’ve created.
I know how to find all of the Replies I’ve made in a particular forum.

Oh…wait…never mind…in the advanced search side bar, I found the drop-down under “Only return topics/posts…” where I can specify “I created”.

All’s good that ends good.

Is there a way to get a thread to not show up in “latest”, but still show up if I go to “categories”? If I want to unmute a thread, it is actually quite hard to find it.

Do we have a thread for smiley suggestions? Because…


Also, :toth: would be nice to have.