I don’t use goactuary on my pc, so I’m not sure about that one. Does command down arrow work? Or does it just take you to the bottom of the posts that have already loaded?
On firefox, over to the right is a slider. Using that is faster than scrolling. Your post is 37/42. This post is 42/42.
ah, i see the slider now. not sure what NA means by command down arrow.
On a pc, she meant “Ctrl+[down arrow]”…brings you to the very very bottom of a page.
btw, this is the thread for dumb questions related to GoActuary, too, even if you’re not old and cranky like the OP, who happens to be me.
ah, ctrl down arrow does nothing. the page down button gets me there relatively quickly.
Oops, yes. I forget about the differences between mac and pc keyboards, sorry.
Or the end key will take you right there. But yeah, on a PC I just use the scroll bar on the left of the posts where it says 44/48. It’s not very visible but it’s there.
didn’t realize there was the super obvious solution of the “end” key
I have a dumb question and don’t want to make a new thread just to ask it. If you’re in a long-ass thread that you haven’t read before, is there a way to skip to the bottom? Thus far, I’ve only been able to scroll and scroll and scroll.
On the scroll bar on the right, it shows how long it has been since the last post. Click on the time and it takes you to the last post.
If Ctrl + down arrow doesn’t work, maybe Ctrl + Fn + End
just hitting the “end” key works
Where is this “interactive advanced user tutorial” that I’ve read about? How do I access it?
you should have a pm from @discobot
once you do the first tutorial, another opens up
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
you kids these days with your computer phones
you should have a pm from @discobot
once you do the first tutorial, another opens up
hmmm…I went through the first tutorial and received the certificate of authenticity from discobot for completing it. It concluded with “That’s all for now! …(If you’d like to speak with me again to learn more, just message or mention @discobot
any time!)” I didn’t see another tutorial.
ah, here it is:
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}
Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message.
can be one of:tutorial, advanced tutorial
This is what I typed and it seems to have worked: “@discobot start advanced tutorial”
Woo hoo! I am now a certified “Licensed” user…which can be shortened to “Luser”.
Is there a way to see “stats” on a thread? Like, who posted how many times, that sort of thing? I thought there was, but I can’t figure it out now.