I'm old and cranky. I don't want to learn new stuff


Is there a way to make tables in the software? On the AO the best you could do was the “code” tag which made it a bit easier to control the spacing. It would be nice to actually be able to make a table though.

Query/Responce Code User Text of query/response
Q @soyleche Is there a way to make tables in the software?
A @thetermguy Sure. Just add a pipe character at the end of each cell as well as the beginning of each row. And, the second row should be dashes, seperated by pipe signs. The number of dashes defines the width of each column.

Source: Adding a table to your post using markdown - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta


How do I add a topic in Careers? I am at trust level “member”

Looks like you answered your own question.

Yes thanks somehow it started working :slight_smile:

I think you need to go from careers to one of the two subfora within careers. You picked “general”.

If I’m reading a post and want to see what post they were responding to (if it wasn’t quoted), I can click the little icon thing and go to the post - which is great and helpful.

Is there a way to easily jump back to where I was in the thread? I’ve just been scrolling down and finding it, but if there is a link or something I don’t know about that would be nice. The “back” button on the browser takes me out of the thread entirely and back to the list of threads.

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Back on the AO when I clicked a link it would open in a new tab/window.

Here, when I click a link it does not open in a new tab. Rather, it opens over the existing tab. Is there a personal setting somewhere that affects this or am I relegated to trying to remember to right click on links?

There are some settings in preferences/interface that will help with that.

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See https://community-new.goactuary.com/t/2020-rainbows-in-the-endzone-nfl-full-season-pickem-contest-tying-arbitrary-records-now-with-goactuary/692/214

When I click on the swoopy arrow to go to VA’s post…first, it just displays immediately above my post…then, if I click on the up arrow it’ll take me all the way up to that post. Finally, on the LLHS of his post is “1 Reply [upside down caret]”. Clicking on that, as before, immediately displays my post underneath his…then, I can click on the down arrow to get back from whence I came.

Maybe I have some special setting set up especially set for me.

That seems to be working okay on the computer. The arrow doesn’t show up (at least, not that I’ve noticed) on the phone - just the icon and it takes you to the post instead of recreating it above the post I’m looking at. The “reply” thing might help there though.


Oh…yes…that was all done on a pc. I didn’t realize you kids these days with your computer phones were chatting and texting with each other on an actuarial message board :heynow:. …and get off my lawn!

Yes, although I forget where. That drove me nuts.

I haven’t figured out how to change that in the Discourse app on my phone, though.


I have a dumb question and don’t want to make a new thread just to ask it. If you’re in a long-ass thread that you haven’t read before, is there a way to skip to the bottom? Thus far, I’ve only been able to scroll and scroll and scroll.

Yes. If you click on the box with the post number you’re on, it brings up a little screen and there’s a “jump to” button. You can put in the post number you want to go to.

that seems to work on the phone app, but doesn’t work on my PC.