If you could travel for 3 weeks anywhere (after the pandemic), where would you go?

Good thing I’m not a financial worker computer programmer. I’d go batty with two weeks and noting to do.

I would golf my way around the UK

I have never worked at a company where folks were required to take vacation.

Hell, it’s been at least 10 years since I had formal tracking “vacation” or PTO; I’ve been on “self-managed time” since then.

The company has other provisions in place if they need to poke around my computers or files.

Yeah, people who directly control money or the computer systems that control money often need to do that. I’ve never heard of an actuary being required to take a block of vacation. Nor can i think if any reason such a rule would help a company.

Also, any fraud i could manage to do (which wouldn’t involved cash, but…i dunno, bad reserving to get fake high profits to get a better bonus, maybe) wouldn’t be uncovered just because i was away for two weeks.

We watched a lot of Iceland TV series during lockdown and really liked Trapped and Case (Valhalla Murders was a bit formulaic). Looked like a beautiful country to visit. Have a good trip!

I’ve posted a number of his recordings here.

I’ll be attending his August 20 concert in Waco, TX.

I would go straight to the hammock in my backyard.

If you are into fingerstyle guitar picking, I have another recommendation for you: Adrian Legg. I had never heard of him back when I first saw him in the early 1990’s. He was the opening act for John Mayall. I was completely blown away hearing this man and have been a fan ever since. He’s getting a bit old now, so I don’t think he’s done any touring since COVID hit.


Man, I can’t believe Mayall is still touring. I thought he was past his prime when I saw him in the 1990’s

I saw adrian legg in the mid 90’s in a dive in Lincoln NE (the zoo bar). had never heard of him but the posters advertising him made him seem special. his style was unique and he was amazing. but i recall none of the rest of it

I didn’t know I was until the You Tube Al Gore Rhythm introduced me to Mr. Smith. I will check out your recommendation. Thanks!

I’m also considering/hoping to attend an Ana Vidovic concert…probably the Englewood CO one.

I just got tickets for the World Series of Darts at Madison Square Garden.

“Traveling” will merely involve hopping on the 1 hour train ride. We may stay over; there’s gonna be a lot of drinking involved. It’s a Sunday night, so hopefully the rooms will be reasonable.

Maybe even gasp stay Saturday and Sunday night. Almost like a vacation!

Anywhere? New England in the fall.

(This always makes me think of The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything. I’ve been to Boston in the fall but it was for an SOA meeting and it was cold and I was stuck indoors during daylight.)

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If I could travel for three weeks, I would go to Switzerland. This country is rich with beautiful ethereal nature. I would like to spend one week in three cities: Zurich, Geneva, and the capital, Bern. Switzerland is famous for its natural attractions. There are mountains, waterfalls, and lakes. I like to travel and discover new places. Traveling is a way to relax, get inspired, and start doing great things. What do you imagine when you think about traveling? I associate travel with the beginning of something new. Unfortunately, you can’t always afford a dream trip because of the high costs. But thanks to VRBO Discounts, you can save money on travel or get cashback.

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I’ve never licked a spark plug, and I’ve never sniffed a stink bug, and I’ve never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball…


I think I would go to Asia and just see as much as I could, especially of the smaller countries.

Three weeks… I might try to do Patagonia, but that’s a little bit tight. Unless I rented a car.

NA is on a good path, I think in three weeks I could hit a couple parts of Thailand, quick stop in Cambodia, then a couple places in Vietnam. I think I’d just bring a backpack with 2-3 outfits and toiletries. And sunscreen, because I’m basically translucent.


3 weeks? I might hit the Faroe Islands, with a couple of days in Copenhagen.