I Voted

Yes it’s an iffy strategy.

Protest votes and similiar strategies are iffy. You can actually vote someone in.

Years ago Ontario I and everyone else voted a protest candidate, from a tiny party. They won the election. Nobody expected it. It did not end well.

I’d rather Liz get majority leader sometime (perhaps in 2 years if Chuck retires), both from thinking she would be great at it and not wanting to risk a party swap with her seat.

Hays County Texas has become the first country to pass their 2016 vote totals in 2020

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Looks like it was accepted. :partying_face:


I voted

on NY1, they are showing long lines with early voting in nyc and some people are calling it voter suppression. we are a blue state, why even bother going to the polls? just vote by mail and sit on your ass and watch all the suckers who are waiting on line. just seems pointless to me to wait on line when there is mail in voting. i get it in a swing state where you wanna make super duper sure your vote counts, but in ny? why? i’m fairly certain my mail-in vote was fine. it was accepted as valid.

my sister hasn’t voted yet cause she said that where she lives in the upper west side the line was too long. my mother voted on staten island and said it was quick. i have a feeling that if my sister waits until election day itself, the lines will be much better. there are fewer polling places for early voting than election day, so not sure i’m counting any of this as voter suppression.

AOC was all yelling about how this is voter suppression. yeah, idk about that AOC.

If there’s voter suppression in NY, it’s the fault of the Democrats. They have the power to set up the voting system there.

Does ny still use voting machines? When i lived there they had those archaic mechanical voting machines, and it was really slow to vote because it was hard to find the people/ballot issues this wanted to vote for. And it was just a sort of weird experience. And because there was only one machine per voting district, you had to wait for everyone in front of you to puzzle it out.

I lived in a district in Harlem where no one voted, and i still often waited. That’s one of the reasons i prefer paper ballots. In places with paper ballots, the limiting factor is the old biddy who checks that you are in the voting register and signs you in.

No, it has been paper ballots in nyc for years. They got rid of those old voting machines with the levers. You fill out a paper ballot and stick it in a scantron slot.

I’m saying that I dont agree that long lines in early voting is voter suppression when a person could have very easily voted by mail as I did, and the lines are likely to be shorter on election day itself since there are more polling places then. The fact that dems are in charge means dems are likely to continue to be in charge, so why this importance on being at the polls for early voting rather than mailing in your ballot weeks ago as I did? My mailed in ballot arrived just fine. Dems being responsible for any perceived voter suppression is irrelevant to my statement.

And if people did not trust the us postal service to vote by mail in order to have these long lines, that’s trump and the Republicans fault, not the dems. Trump and the Republicans had the tactic of lowering voter confidence in the post office, not the dems.

watching cuomo now. he said the board of elections of nyc did a terrible job and needs to entirely be revamped, so i guess he disagrees with me.

That’s racist.

Why do people feel the need to vote, like, right now? Do they anticipate the lines are shorter now than in a week? I think some of these people just want to get on TV when the news shows the lines.

It made them realize they have no idea what “humble” means. That’s pretty humbling.

“Vote early, vote often”

i doubt it’s about getting on tv. most people don’t get on tv and i’d probably hide from the camera. i think they fear not getting to vote if they don’t do it now. it’s raining out in ny right now and the lines are still long. sounds sucky.

I think a lot has to do with the “story” of a guy pulling up next to the line asking “how long have you been waiting to vote?” And someone in the line shouts back “4 YEARS!!!”

I couldn’t wait to cast my vote and I don’t think I’m alone. I really don’t think the record numbers of early voters are IQ45 supporters. :woman_shrugging:

I hear IQ45 is smarter than any president in history

there’s a group called joy to the polls that brings dance parties to polling place long lines. it’s happy and cute. they are doing the cha cha slide.

The polarization is on both sides. I’m confident that Trumpers are chomping at the bit to vote as well.

I don’t think the election is a sure thing. I give trump 50-50 odds of getting another term. and 10% odds of having a third in some form.

Love it.
And, that was me. It felt so good to finally get a chance. Biden is running an ad which is mostly an oval being filled out.

And, unfortunately,
“The polarization is on both sides. I’m confident that Trumpers are chomping at the bit to vote as well.”
Is also true.