I Voted

Just confirmed again

November 3, 2020, State General Election:
Your ballot was accepted on October 23, 2020 and will be counted.

It isnt a sure thing at all because the Republicans are flat out cheating. Would be a sure thing with a fair election. I have huge fears that trump will steal the election.

I’m not voting this year (and maybe never again). Let the better campaign manipulation machine win.

Not protesting either candidate. More so just disgusted by the election system. The ends dont justify these means.

This is not an insult to this group either. This sub is likely some of the most informed and rational folks out there. It is the campaign tactics aimed at the other 99.99% of people that are just appalling.

My entire family is voting for trump. I am a conservative (with some libertarian leanings). I strongly disagreed with the recent SC nomination process. I want conservative judges, but to burn bridges with the dems for the next 10 years to get one is just bad politics. I recognize that Trump has polarized the country and this damage will last a while. I voted GJ in 2016 and was upset with myself then. I have decided there is no vote I can cast that would make me feel like I did something good. Im just going to watch the results and hope the loser concedes with some grace when is apparent they lost.

10 years?
You are really optimistic.
No one who voted for ACB has any credibility left.

good point. We are still waiting for Rs that voted to impeach Clinton to die off. Political stunts at this level last a lifetime.

we go low… they go lower… so we go even LOWER!

So now dems can retake control and say… split CA into 4 states and add DC/PR? add 3 more SC justices? end filibuster? there is no argument the minority can make that will stop the other side now.

seems like the US should just break up. the US is too large as it is. why do we need to be one country?

The GOP has been shamelessly shifting power away from the people for years.

As Mark Manson writes:

You would never guess by looking at the news headlines, but the American people by and large agree on most issues. Three-quarters believe the government should expand its coverage of health care. Two-thirds believe there should be stricter gun laws. 79% think abortion should be legal. 76% support investing more in education. A staggering 96% support infrastructure improvements. 75% say it’s somewhat/very important to promote more racial and ethnic diversity. 76% say racism continues to be a big problem.

It’s way past time for Dems/progressives to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight.

I’m in favor of (if we get the WH and the Senate) some very aggressive moves to bring laws, policies, courts etc back in line with what the majority wants in a country and a government.

we go low… they go lower… so we go even LOWER!

You have me confused, as I do not see where the Democrats ever went low in this progression.

It is more like
Republicans go low
Democrats try to operated within existing rules.
Republicans go even lower
Democrats continue to operate within existing rules and norms
Republicans keep going lower, somehow

This has been going on for decades and is destroying the country.
Democrats need to push back with some force, as this is what the majority of the country wants.

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One example I can think of is when the Ds refused to even discuss social security reform after W bush was re-elected. I see this as foreshadowing the Rs refusing to work with Obama on anything.

I do agree the Rs have been more ruthless.

I think we should have a national referendum amendment.

That is a way to do an end run around congress, and especially the Senate.

I don’t know what there was to discuss. Bush proposed partial privatization that I’d call “smoke and mirrors”.

Ds opposed privatization, Bush opposed any tax increase. I don’t know what they would discuss.

i don’t remember it that well. it sounds like you maybe remember it better than i do.

i do remember the smoke and mirrors part. i think it was sold as a way to somehow “save” ss instead of a way to privatize it.

but i do think the tone was a little different. it was “to a person, we are not even going to discuss this, period.” i think “doa” may have been the expression used? i certainly liked it at the time. i was very angry that bush had won re-election.

My memory wasn’t that good. I remembered Bush was committed to privatization, but I had to go to Wikipedia to get more.

Biden pointing out the obvious that the oil industry pollutes during the last debate was sort of refreshing. Republicans tie all these issues to a small number of jobs. Democrats need to do a better job of the number of jobs that created when these industries expand. I don’t know how they get past the change is scary part and win elections though. Brutal honesty needs to happen on a broad range of issues at this point given how much the GOP has trashed the country trying to capture small groups of voters.

I don’t even think it’s that. There’s a frigging pandemic on. People are afraid to go to polling places. And they look at the lines for voting early and fear election day will be even worse, what with new restrictions. States that never before allowed early voting and vote-by-mail are doing it. OF COURSE we have record numbers people people voting early. Politically, it means nothing.

I mean, yeah, we also have an extraordinarily polarized election this year. But the early voting numbers are mostly about the pandemic, imo, and not about politics.

I never realized you’re in KS (I was George Frankly on the AO), I moved to LFK a few months ago. I wasn’t here in time to vote in the primaries but I’ll be voting in person soon.

i’m getting several annoying texts from 30330 per day! I WAS SO TRICKED INTO TEXTING THAT NUMBER!

Not going to get into who has gone lower (but agree Rs currently have the low ground)

My point is both sides are using their hate of the other side to justify going lower still.

I feel like the narrative has changed over the decades from:
•we need to stop using fossil fuels
•we need to stop relying on forign fossil fuels (now its ok to use our own)
•we need to rely on domestic fossis fuels because we cut off our reliance on foreign sources, so now our jobs are tied to mineing and processing fossil fuels.

whats next? We oversubsidize fossil fuels for the sake of jobs and kill the renewal energy industry… so we are back to just •we need to rely on fossil fuels.

sorry, just a lifetime conservative that recognizes that we totally F’ed everything up. Time machine back to 2000 and give Gore FL please. /rant.

there’s a new meme with a similar idea every day, upping the count and also something about trump.