I am going to buy this (these) today and reasons why

I bought some new frames today, very different look for me but I’m excited.


Nice, I like those.

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They make you practically invisible!


(thinking, making frames with my fingers…)

Needs more nerd.

I have two weddings to attend this summer, my first weddings in over five years. I think I want to buy a formal jumpsuit for the occasions.

I like the first one, but Mr. NA likes the second. Of course, I don’t really have the body type to pull either of them off, so I bought both and I’m hoping one of them doesn’t look redonk on my badonk.

Those look nice, especially the second. That said, I’ve always thought jumpsuits would be a PITA when you need to use the restroom. I don’t buy them for that reason. But they are sharp-looking; I will give you that.

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both look sharp. no idea on restroom logistics but get how that is a consideration!

second one has the more cinched waist which I can believe changes how flattering the fit may be depending on body shape?

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2nd looks more formal to me due to the shoulders, though I imagine myself making that actual decision based on the weather/season/location of the event, and not caring about level of formality whatsoever.

That’s interesting, because I think cap sleeves or whatever that style is called make a dress look more casual!

For me the look of the fabric dictates the formality of an outfit. I think if the second one was in a stretchy jersey knit, for example, it would be super casual, but it it were crepey, much more formal.

I agree, #1 feels more formal to me. I also like it more, but the individual fit is the key.

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Well full disclosure for this particular topic: I’m a dude and don’t know what I’m talking about…so there’s that. I didn’t even look at the fabric. :man_shrugging:

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As an update, I went with the Straight Up with a Twist, Lucy was right that it gets in my face all the time, I don’t mind that except when I’m eating.

Fits me a lot better than my previous wig, even more so now that I got what I have of actual hair (my underhair?) cut shorter yesterday. The guy I was sitting next to at dinner last night is a cosplayer who wears a lot of wigs, and complimented me on how good my hair looked before realizing that it was a wig.


Ooh I missed that post before. I also like that one, very cute!

They can, but to me the straps on the top one sort of resemble a wife-beater which is even more casual. Maybe if you wore one of those see-through tops that you have to wear something under the first one would look more formal. But that would make the restroom even more complicated.

A little fan for my home office for when I need to close the door. There is no air flow and it gets hot.


I don’t like sleeveless on myself, so I was considering a lace bolero if the first one looks better.

There is a very good chance both get returned. I have a full figure.

I looked at the neckline, so…

Does that count as looking at the fabric or the not-fabric?

I didn’t even think about the fabric.

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read that as “creepy” first…

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