I am going to buy this (these) today and reasons why

Okay, not something I’m going to buy, but a cool “life hack” I’ll implement if I ever buy or update a small home. Get this idea: two dishwashers. But the advantage is that you don’t ever actually unload the clean dishes into the cabinet, you just use the dishwasher as storage. So you’re using clean dishes out of A and putting them, dirty, into B. When A gets empty and B gets full, you run B and put the clean ones into A. Jenius!

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Just buy a home from a well-off kosher Jewish family and you’ll already have two dishwashers!

I’m in a very Jewish part of town, so a number of my neighbors have two refrigerators, two ovens, two dishwashers, etc. But alas, the people I bought this house from, though Jewish, are not kosher.

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Bro’s garage is a car wash.
Bro’s dresser is a dryer.
Bro’s bed is a bathtub.


Our car broke down. I was thinking, it’s getting old, we should just buy a new one. Then my wife took it to the shop and it works again. So now I don’t want to.

I’d love to get an EV but we live in the city, so no home charging. Probably used, from Hertz, for 20k, with a review that says something like “not the most exciting of hybrids.”

…Kramer’s shower is a food processor.

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Thr jalapeño is thriving. I’ve harvested several, and there are many more ready or almost ready.

It’s been dry here this summer and I let the basil get a little too scorched a couple of times. It’s still doing pretty well. Had a couple of harvests already, and will do a big harvest before it freezes to make a pesto. Thyme and rosemary are doing well. The chives have been around for 13+ years and appear to be virtually indestructible.


Pesto sounds awesome. I would love to make it and when completed, say “Hey Pesto!”

Can confirm homemade pesto is far superior than bought. It’s so good even my kids will eat it, so there’s an outlier for you.


I like Costco’s pesto a little better than the stuff I make and a LOT better than the stuff my mom makes. :woman_shrugging:

I stopped making it because Costco’s is both cheaper and better.

I do love fresh basil though. I made caprese salads for a Labor Day party that were SO good!!!

Someone at our farmer’s market sells a pesto made with garlic scapes. Highly recommend.

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Let me get right over there…

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Bought a generator (generac) from Lowe’s, had to drive 20 miles, cuz nearer ones (only 10 miles) didn’t have them. My electrician friend replaced my panel a year ago, and it has an input for such devices. Gonna get hot this weekend at my place, first time this year, and they might brown/black us out.
Bought a new room air conditioner (hitense), because the current one is spilling water, and to “drain the pan” will require not a simple task, but opening up the whole damn thing. It might actually be spitting out mist with the cool air, since it is not wet directly underneath, but a few inches away.
Then bought myself two stouts (happy hour!) on the way home, cuz I deserved it.

Just made some but overdid the garlic. Might have to combine it with Costco pesto.

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Harvested some thyme tonight and enjoyed it. It was allegedly “German thyme” but in appearance and taste seemed the same. Will harvest again.

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Does not compute.

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at my age it does

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i’ve said this somewhere here before, but IMO it is easy to overdo the garlic when it is raw. Pesto is one potential example.

For me, it’s very difficult to overdo the garlic when it is cooked.

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Yes, that’s what happened in my case. I buy the bulk pack of garlic from Costco. I tend to use quite a lot of garlic for each of my recipes in order to use up all of the garlic before it goes bad. Usually the recipes call for cooked garlic, where it’s not a problem. Not so, this time.

Yeah that’s fair. I was thinking of pesto on pasta, which generally gets enough residual heat to cook minced garlic to some degree. Raw as a condiment for a sandwich or something I can definitely understand.

Is there a discussion on here somewhere about enjoying your deck sans mosquito?

They just love Mini Me. I have a nice deck but she doesn’t want to be out there because she gets eaten alive. Is there a decent solution that doesn’t involve dousing ourselves in repellent daily or bombing the whole yard with stuff that also kills other bugs we don’t want dead (such as fireflies)?