Hunter Biden Investigation

Bolton mentioned it today in an unconvincing opinion piece about how to get trump.

Grassley and Ron Johnson.

Those are some incredibly important people to listen to.

So, they accidentally screwed over Clinton, and didn’t want to do it again?

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Doesn’t the FBI now have a 90 day blackout policy or something because they don’t want to influence an election like they did in 2016?

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It seems they are using the McConnel rule. No investigations in an election year.

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Don’t forget the corollary: unless it’s to your advantage.


Which side gives the FBI an advantage?

I was talking about McConnell


Sometimes the wheels of justice don’t turn as quickly as you would like…

The handgun was hidden in his laptop?


Maybe he can share a cell with Donald and they talk about persecution.


Apparently he lied about his drug use on an application to buy a gun, which is a crime.

Here’s the BBC version. I’m not seeing a CNN story yet, but I assume it’s forthcoming.

So that is the election changing reveal that we missed out on in 2020? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Based on many of Donny Jr.'s Tweets, he seems plenty high on drugs and seems to buy plenty of guns. But who cares about that petty stuff when he’s under investigation for trying to overthrow the government.

Now we’ll see if republicans can finally visit the sins of the son on the father.



Lock him up.

Like everybody I know, the response is “Cool, charge him and convict if appropriate.”

Nobody cares, honestly. Give Hunter a trial if he’s suspected, jail or fine him.

I don’t understand this being a “bombshell”. The left has never been shy to eject bad actors, even though it’s politically detrimental to them. I don’t think a person I know loves Hunter Biden. Whether he broke laws or is just skeezy, who cares. Charge as appropriate.


Yeah, this is mildly damaging to President Biden at most, although it will be a bad look if Joe pardons Hunter for any federal crimes he may have committed.

My understanding is that the POTUS can NOT issue pardons for state crimes, only federal. If so then Hunter would only be able to secure a pardon from the Delaware governor for any state crimes. I assume the Delaware governor is a Democrat, so no idea how likely that is. Presumably not until his or her last day in office at any rate. And if that’s before the 2024 election then Hunter may have to wait until the next governor’s last day in office.

Correct, POTUS cannot pardon state charges.

If Joe Biden pardoned Hunter for federal crimes I would be railing against Joe Biden and rooting for anybody else, maybe Buttigieg.

Nepotism is a non-starter in my political sphere. (Side-eye at Jared, Ivanka, Don, Eric.)


I don’t think it is even mildly damaging to Joe, or at least should not be. If he pardons him, that is a different story, and still only because Democrats are held to a higher standard by both sides.