Helping "friend" with drug test

Speak for yourself. I probably do without even thinking about it or noticing. Especially during the pandemic.

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I believe I’ve never said that. Happy to be proven wrong. And I didn’t say anything about addiction.

Plus, doesn’t the same question apply to you? You DO believe addiction is real, but you don’t think they’re being forced to derail their ways by drug tests?

You can’t be drunk on the job, but I can’t imagine an employer tests if you drink off the job.

I’m not speaking for myself. Nor am I speaking for you. Thank you for coming to my TED talk though.

Agreed - if people had to abstain from alcohol for a whole month in order to get a job, most of us would do so. But we don’t have any restrictions, legal or pre-employment, so we drink away.


What if it’s on the job random drug tests? And alcohol stays in your system for a month? Would you give it up? Or take your chances? or do something that’s out of your system faster?

The world needs ditch diggers too,

I know you weren’t. I’m saying you should… rather than speaking for others.

This…should not be coming from you.

I recall you saying that you know tons of drug users and almost none ever become addicts. I don’t recall the specifics.

I believe addiction is real for many people l, and that people should not be punished for being addicted. They should be offered treatment.

I also believe many recreational users of drugs and alcohol are not addicts and could choose to abstain if they wanted to.

I don’t believe that making drug use inconvenient forces recreational drug users to use hard drugs. If they feel they have no other choice, then they are likely addicts, yes.

which employers randomly test for alcohol in your system from days ago?

Another JSM /r/unpopularopinion :laughing:

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Likely not days. But if your employer suspects alcohol is in your system and you’re underperforming, they can call for a drug test, at least that’s in the employee handbook for most jobs I’ve worked at. Alcohol stays in your system for a decent amount of time.

and someone has been fired and they use alcohol in their system from last week as the reason?

Very few drugs stay in your system for over a week. Alcohol stays in your system for 2-3 days max. And yes people do get fired over alcohol.

It’s not. And pot is still illegal, technically, even if not enforced.

I suspect that random tests for alcohol usage over the prior month would not hold up on court challenge if such a test were actually possible. Since alcohol, unlike pot, is a legal product.

So you just proved yourself wrong…I do say addiction is a thing.

i’ve never heard of someone being fired for having alcohol in their system from 2 days ago. i could see getting fired if you’re drunk on the job, but not from drinking recently.

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Because alcohol doesn’t stay in your system for over a week.