Happy Thoughts

My wife currently hates her job - long, long hours, pay isn’t great, lots of turnover (see: long hours, pay isn’t great). I’ve been trying to find the balance of trying to be compassionate, but also gently nudging her into updating her resume. She finally updated the resume, and her main professional organization is having their annual meeting next week, and she’s getting on a plane this weekend with a stack of resumes.


I ran for over 30 minutes this morning without stopping to walk.


Seeing my once underweight throwaway dog living the good life of bacon, ball, and belly rubs.


Thanks! They don’t call it a dog’s life for nothing :dog:



I just saw that Netflix has produced/released a new season of my favorite “reality tv” game show - the mole.

I had been enjoying re-watching all of the previous seasons & had been thinking, “Man, they should really reboot this series. It was the best of them all.”

And, now, boom! There it is. Hopefully, it’s as good as the original.

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nice story and not doubting it, but assuming that is an older story as 94 is very young to be a WWII vet

enlisted at 17 at the very end of the war, is possible

That feeling when you kill a mosquito with your bare hands… BEFORE it gets a chance to bite you.


:milk_glass: + :cookie: = :yum:

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oops wrong thread

only the females bite. you might have killed an innocent male.

Males are usually guilty of harassment. :judge:

If the male is going to breed with a female and produce biting offspring then he’s guilty too, but the fact that I got him before he bit me is admittedly less impressive in that case.

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My new bed is supposed to be delivered today.



Do the males fly around your head, or just the females? The males don’t have any reason to be attracted to you, because they don’t need your blood - but do they carry the genes that make them want to anyway?

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Not a happy development, but can still qualify as a happy memory and hence a happy thought.


Some pain points in my life are beginning to resolve favorably.