Happy Thoughts

The thread title is “Happy Thoughts”

Yeah, sorry for the derailment. Here’s a rainbow:



Happy thought: heading to the local brewery tonite for a coupla drinks with the Mrs and some friends.


Perhaps MH is a politician :upside_down_face:

Should I ask my boss for a roll? Asking for a friend. :slight_smile:

A friend has that Audi etron. It’s a pretty big SUV, and certainly not an econobox. If you regularly need an SUV that seats 7-8 then I can see why it wouldn’t work for you, but there are lots of EV’s that are not econoboxes. The Tesla S is a really big sedan.

I’m jealous

Awesome end to the day. Got a lot of technical stupidity cleaned up. SO bought a new Volvo, sweet ride. And I just got an email that we got the coop student we wanted for the fall.


Not unless you live in China. In most of the US the electricity is a lot cleaner than gasoline, and where MW lives she can charge her car entirely with non-carbon sources.

We have two cars. It would make sense for one of ours to be electric next time we get a new car. We had a hybrid electric that we finally replaced because it was a lemon. But you know what… I really miss never needing to buy gas.

It’s true that electric cars need more planning on a long road trip. But for driving around town, shopping, visiting friends, commuting… You simply never have to think about charging it. You just plug it in when you park it, and the “tank” is always full when you pull out of your driveway. I didn’t realize how much I’d gotten used to that until we bought a new gas car. But now… I need to pay attention to the fuel gauge. Sometimes i need to make a stop just for gas before i can go someplace. It’s a real nuisance.


Yeah, I think for a lot of couples, one EV and one ICE makes a lot of sense.

In my particular case my husband travels so much that I just don’t see it working. He might drive his car to the airport 1.5 hours from our house and then leave it parked there for two weeks. There are not (currently) charging facilities where he parks it.

So EV wouldn’t work well for him.

And I frequently meet him on trips, and our plans are constantly in flux. So I don’t think it would work well for me either.

But I could totally see it working well for more normal couples.

The herbs are coming in very nicely in the garden!!! :herb: :herb: :herb: :herb:


Shoot man, half my stuff didn’t germinate at all. Like, zero carrots. Almost no beets. Two sprigs of dill. And about 8 beets.
Now the tomatoes, we’re going to be exporting this year.
Maybe trade some tomoatoes for marjoram?

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Last year’s surprise “flower”, Aralia spinosa, seemed to be skipping a year, but flower heads seem to be budding. Now it is a race between flowering and utility line clearing, which might be in mid/late July per contractors. I hadn’t observed the prior years’ growth closely until the amazing flowers appeared last year, so I didn’t know what to expect. Two things make them remarkable to me, the quantity of small flowers on a plant (I estimate between 25000-35000 on a single plant) and the intensity of activity during pollination by a wide variety of insects (mostly flies, wasps, and bees).

No marjoram, but I do have a lot of oregano, chives, and thyme!!! The rosemary and basil are coming along nicely too!!! Gonna dry some and keep some fresh!!

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My lettuce is the happy surprise this year. Last year I planted lettuce. Then I forget about it, and it bolted. So I let it go to seed, because I wasn’t doing anything else with that pot anyway.

This spring, as I was cleaning out my pots, I noticed that the one downhill from where the lettuce was last year had a lot of seedling that looked like little lettuce plants. So instead of pulling them out, I thinned them and moved them around. And now I have a pot full of lettuce.

I planted some lettuce, too (in the same pot as last year) but the seedlings are doing better. Every day, I pluck a leaf or two and eat it. Really fresh romaine lettuce is very nice. This year I planted red romaine and boston lettuce. They aren’t as nice as the green romaine. Although the boston lettuce is starting for form nice-looking heads.


Today is trash day and they come ridiculously early for the recycling. I woke up and realized that I hadn’t put the trash out and got it to the curb about 90 seconds before the recycling truck came by.

Usually what reminds me that I forgot is the sound of the recycling truck.


Always a win! Our recycling is absurdly inconsistent. Sometimes it’s there by 8am, sometimes not until after lunch.


MH=169? HFBCanned.

Our recycling is the same way, but recycling is on the same day as trash, and trash is consistent at 5:30 am, so hopefully I hear that truck and get both out in time if I forgot the night before. We generally don’t forget, we set reminders on our phones for Monday nights so that Tuesday mornings aren’t rude awakenings.