Gaetz to McCarthy: Drop Dead

One more chance for the GOP to tell the extremist traitor codependents to drop dead.

Alternative: Bring in Liz Cheney!

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unless the he can get 5 Republicans, then the Dems could carry him in

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Looks like there will not be a speaker in place by mid-November at this rate.

So another shutdown it will likely be.

Liz Cheney has 10x more of a chance to be Speaker of the House than Donald Trump has - and Trump has worse odds than you do of winning the Mega Millions jackpot on a single ticket.

That’s not to say there wouldn’t be nutjobs in the GOP House that wouldn’t vote for Trump as Speaker. There are, and I’d guess ~200 of them would vote for him if he were the nominee. I just think - and maybe I’m still being way too optimistic - that while the GOP is practically a full-on cult, there’s at least 5 GOPers who still take governance seriously and would know putting Trump in the Speaker’s chair would be a governance nightmare, and they’d vote against it no matter what the threats against them were.

I read that the vote for speaker candidates is done via secret ballot. This is where republicans vote among themselves on who should be a speaker candidate, and voted on by the entire house.

Because that ballot is secret, trump will never win it. however, the totals from the secret ballot are released publicly. This means trump cannot win it, but he can be embarrassed.

This is why he withdrew his name, and supported jordan.

however small one portion is, they are acting as different parties right now. usually that means replacing the loons on one side of you for the loons on the other (from dem side of the aisle). winning that group requires concessions and math to make sure the N votes you bring on with the concession cost you far fewer than N on the other side.

no such people are stepping forward with that. its a party full of disfunction as a feature, not a bug

Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia is seeking the House speakership.

How long til they call him McCarthy 3.0?

Anyway he’s the only alternative I’ve seen to Gym Jordan since Scalise dropped out. I’d honestly never heard of the guy before an had to google him but he sounds like a McCarthy ally.

I’ve seen reporting on both Patrick McHenry being considered for big-boy speaker, and bringing McCarthy back as speaker through the budget crisis only.

Jordan beat (whoever I named earlier) 124-81. Now we’ll see if he forces a floor vote. Word is a number of people are back in their districts to meet with constituents / fundraise, and Democrats are saying they will move to vacate should Jordan both force through a vote and win with significantly < 217.

There also seems to be noise of 10+ Republicans trying to find a bipartisan solution, hoping to maybe get as many as 100 Republicans on board by sometime next week.

In an attempt to avoid a repeat of McCarthy, the Republicans agreed to an internal “validation vote” after selecting their candidate. The idea is that the validation vote is for whether or not people will agreed to vote for the winning candidate on the floor, so then they won’t go to the floor without 217. Jordan got 152 votes in that, vs. 55 nos (some people aren’t there), leaving him 65 short.

My guess is that there’s ~100 people who would go die on the altar for Jordan, and ~75-95 others who have no spine and will go whichever way the wind blows. The rest, you can put in the “never Jordan” camp and that’s what will prevent him from getting to 217 no matter what.

Its usually a problem when the person in question has the morals of a turnip.

Thats Jim Jordan basically.

So its highly unlikely he will ever be elected as speaker.

I’m starting to wonder if there is any Speaker the Republicans might back.

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I would think the Republicans must feel some pressure to come up with an acceptable candidate given they are in the majority and given the amount of time that has already passed? Won’t most US voters lay the blame for the delay on them?

not if they tell the sheep it is someone else’s fault

Republican take personal responsibility for their screw up, surely you’re joking.


government not doing anything is also a goal for some. if nothing else, expansion of it is contained. implosion would be a dream for some

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Why? As McCarthy explained today, it’s the Democrats fault that the Republicans can’t select a speaker. And also that the House parliamentarian is insisting on following the rules re: McHenry’s interim power.

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Interesting responses that reveal fundamental differences in attitudes in our respective countries!

“Peace, order and good government" in our constitution defines the principles under which the Parliament of Canada should operate so there would be annoyance with the majority party to have our House inoperative for very long because of an inability to choose a Speaker.

Not saying one attitude is better than another but there seems to be a much greater tolerance for political dysfunction in the US than in Canada.

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Can this please be the end of maga? How much more do they need to touch and destroy for people to realize they don’t intend to govern?